
Created for God — Colossians 1:16

For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities– all things have been created through Him and for Him.

God made everything for His righteous purpose.[1] He created the highest heavens, the earth, and all that they contain. He created man and woman in His image that we might fellowship with Him, praise Him, and bring Him glory.[2] In Him, and Him alone, we live, and move, and have our being.[3] He is the beginning and the end, the first and the last.  He is before all things, behind all things, in all things, and over all things.[4]

Since God gave us life for His honorable purposes, we should use this gift to do all that He has created us to do. We should center our lives around Him, worshiping Him, serving Him and others in His name, growing into a closer relationship with Him, becoming like Him, and leading others to Him. We should love God with our whole hearts, and minds, and strength, and realizing this as our holy privilege and profound responsibility, we should accept our holy mandate to serve with zeal.  Our hearts desire should be to walk with Him and to understand His will for our lives, for only those dedicated to accomplishing the kingdom works God preordained for them will please Him and gain for themselves peace and fullness of life.[5]

Determine to know God’s holy purpose for you. Ask Him to give you a revelation of the truth, so you might know His divine intention for putting you on this earth, and respond to Him by ordering your life as He directs.  Live for Him, for to do otherwise is simply chasing the wind.[6] Pursue a fulfilled life, a life well spent, a life that produces lasting joy and continuing contentment, by making Jesus Christ your cornerstone and His Spirit’s instruction your guide for living.  Break free of the chains that would hold you back from being a man or woman after God’s own heart, and set your eyes on the enduring things that reside, apart from the evil of the world, far above the earth. Yield your life to Christ, so you, having known God’s loving-kindness, will become the fruitful minister for the kingdom of God He created you to be.

Live in the understanding that God created you for His holy purpose. Follow Jesus with a dedicated heart, purified mind, and consecrated soul.  Join in triumphant procession with those spreading the knowledge of Him throughout the land, and sprinkle rose petals upon the road leading to life, so you might leave the fragrance of Christ behind you to refresh and encourage those traveling that same road.[7]

[1] Proverbs 16:4

[2] Romans 11:36

[3] Acts 17:28

[4] Revelation 1:8, Colossians 1:17-18

[5] Romans 8:6

[6] Ecclesiastes 2:11

[7] 2 Corinthians 2:14