Criticism – Proverbs 15:12
And you say, “How I have hated instruction! And my heart spurned reproof!”
Most of us hate criticism. Oh, at times we may be open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit as He shows us some well-entrenched transgression against the Lord. We may receive the truth with joy, considering it God-breathed revelation, realizing that as we repent, the Lord will be faithful to help us shed our sin and transform us more closely to the character of Jesus Christ that we might share in His holiness.[1] We treasure this communion between God and ourselves, which we enjoy in our own timeframe, when our hearts are open and seeking.
Criticism coming from others, even from trusted and faithful Christian friends, is far less appealing to us unless delivered with expert timing and masterful subtlety. Otherwise, our pride rises in defense, and our spirits rebel within us. We may appear to receive it well, but inside our flesh and spirit are warring. While the flesh complains, “I am being misunderstood, and I do not deserve this criticism,” the Spirit coaches us to accept the reproof of the faithful as a kindness, as cleansing oil poured over our heads, and to appropriate its wisdom with a grateful heart.[2]
By God’s grace, we can ignore the flesh and listen to the Spirit, learning to appreciate the balm of healing offered to us by an honest rebuke, which is exceedingly more desirable than flattery.[3] The Lord shows us that our prideful responses waste our energy and disturb our emotions, and He teaches us that we are better off when we receive righteous criticism without the battle. He instructs us to welcome a friend’s reproof without first having to soothe our wounded pride, coaxing it to absorb the valuable lesson offered in love.[4]
Though we are often reluctant students, thankfully, the Lord does not abandon us in our stubbornness. Rather He patiently continues the good work He has started within us.[5] Therefore, in His mercy, He does not allow us to disdain loving correction and faithful admonition from those who desire to save us the destruction that follows sinful behavior and leads to hard-heartedness.[6]
Look at the way you react to criticism,
for it reveals much about the condition of your heart. Learn to welcome kind, though piecing words
of rebuke from a friend, allowing the Holy Spirit to use them to free you from unwise
actions and wrong thinking. Accept criticism
with gratitude and grace, and the Lord will honor you for your gentleness and
[1] Hebrews 12:10
[2] Psalm 141:5
[3] Proverbs 28:23
[4] Proverbs 9:8
[5] Philippians 1:6
[6] Proverbs 29:1
[7] Proverbs 13:18