Discernment,  Obedience,  Patience,  Trust,  Wisdom

Decision Making – Numbers 27:5

So Moses brought their case before the Lord.

When the daughters of Zelophehad, who had died without having had a son, asked Moses to give them their father’s inheritance,[1] Moses did not rush to rule on their petition.  Although he might have believed in the justness of their cause, he did not immediately grant their request, nor did he respond that, as women, they were not entitled to a share of the land.  While their situation may have moved him with compassion, he had to consider the Lord’s instruction to allot the land to those numbered among the adult men.[2]  Therefore, Moses, being a man of devotion who considered his leadership over the people a solemn responsibility, not one to trifle with, brought these women’s case before the Lord.  

Because he held the Lord in awe and reverence, Moses did not trust this matter to his own wisdom.  Rather, he turned to the One who could discern and judge perfectly, to the One whose decision would turn out well not only for these women, but also for all the people under Moses’ charge.  Had Moses issued a snap judgment, he might have imposed a severe disservice upon the petitioners and set a precedent that would adversely affect the women of Israel for generations to come.  Even if Moses had chosen well, he might have sinned by showing dependence on himself instead of faithfully seeking the Lord’s counsel.

We have much to learn from Moses’ prudent and reverent behavior in this case, for when we base our decisions on appearances, feelings, or agendas rather than seeking discernment from the Lord, we can end up far from the ideal the Lord desires for us.  Consider Lot’s decision to settle in the valley of the Jordan based on its lush appearance.  He may have gotten the best of the land, but he did not get the Lord’s best.  Rather, what he took for himself without considering the Lord’s blessing or his uncle’s needs, turned out to be disastrous for his family and him.[3] 

Follow Moses’ example, and bring the Lord into your decisions, not only in the big, life-altering events, but also in everyday happenings, making prayer the bedrock upon which you build your days and your life.  Follow the Lord as He leads you, and as you proceed in wisdom, your face will beam at the happy results of seeking His guidance and listening to His direction.[4]

[1] Numbers 27:1-10

[2] Numbers 26:51-53

[3] Genesis 13:10-11, 19:12-26

[4] Ecclesiastes 8:1, 5