Faith,  Strength,  Truth

Deliverance from Evil – Matthew 6:13a

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

A blatantly offensive performance during prime time television stirred people out of their lethargy as if they suddenly removed blinders and saw for the first time how far our standards of decency have degenerated.  One more crude and immoral act within a society intimately familiar and accommodating to crudeness and immorality should hardly have caused a revelation that we have sunk low.  However, if it inspires us to rise up and say, “Enough,” then praise God for opening our eyes before we collapse altogether.[1] 

As citizens of heaven, we cannot commingle the purity of Christ with the evil of the unregenerate world.  Rather we must choose between the two,[2] and having chosen to follow Christ, we must rededicate ourselves to living out the Lord’s commandment to keep from every vile, sinful thing.[3]  Our moral outrage over a particularly egregious assault on our values must not evaporate in the next morning’s sunshine while we continue merrily along, unconcerned about the pervasive evil encroaching everywhere, even in areas once held sacred, once held above and apart from impure things.  As Christian soldiers, we need to join in a spiritual revolution committed to overthrowing the darkness and godlessness we have so cavalierly allowed into our midst.  This revolution must start in the heart of each man and woman of God as we declare war against evil, actively hating it, resolutely standing apart from it, and determinedly overcoming it with holiness, goodness, and light.[4] 

Beseech the Lord to raise an army of warriors who will devotedly pray for deliverance from evil and every form of ungodliness.  Join with other Christians in raising a collective plea to our holy God, asking Him to transform us and make us valuable for His kingdom.  Pray before Him with a tender, humble heart, trusting that as His people faithfully plead for our society, He will hear our prayers and answer them.[5]

Oh Lord, the beauty of creation reflects Your glory and the warmth of Your light reflects Your holiness.  We lift our voices to proclaim, “Lord, You are God.[6]  Revive us, and deliver us from evil.  Lift us out of the pit we have dug by our corporate sin.[7]  Hear our pleas for mercy, and listen to our supplications asking You to remove evil from our midst and to forgive our transgressions against you.[8] 

Shine, Light of heaven, in all Your glory, shine on us.  Shine across our land.

Shine, Light of heaven, shine on me
In all Your glory, Lord of Kindness, shine on me
Let the rays of righteousness light the path before me
Let the sunshine of Your truth lead me higher, ever higher

Shine, Light of heaven, shine on me
Lead me along the way to holiness
And to the place reserved for me beside You
Seated in the highest heaven
Next to Jesus Christ, my Lord

Lead me far away from darkness
And deliver me from evil
So Your light may shine through me
Drawing others to the Way

Oh, gracious, Light of heaven, shine through me

[1] Joshua 6:18

[2] 1 Kings 18:21

[3] Psalm 97:10

[4] Romans 12:9

[5] 2 Chronicles 34:27

[6] 1 Kings 18:39

[7] Psalm 9:15

[8] 2 Chronicles 6:19,21