
Denying God – Matthew 10:32-33

Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.  But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.

Nonbelievers dismiss the Blessed Trinity and the Bible as irrelevant.  They eloquently explain what they think regarding creation, faith, and salvation.  They expound on their decision to shun God because they do not “like” some aspect of His design or they do not “believe” He exists.  They blithely base their eternity on arguments formed out of their own reasoning, thereby darkening their hearts.

Foolish indeed are those who consider themselves wise in their own sight.  Look at the many losers in the stock market, canceled TV pilots, and bankrupt businesses for evidence that our judgment is often flawed, causing costly, even devastating mistakes.  Look at the generations enslaved to an unworkable social experiment such as Communism for a monstrous example of the fallibility of human logic.  Yet, many risk exchange an eternity with God for the torment of Hades based on what they think, rather than what the Creator of the planets and the galaxies with their billions of stars has proclaimed.

When the day arrives for us to account for our lives before the Righteous Judge, how we thought things were or should have been will be of no importance.  For only the magnificent plan for eternity of the One who laid the earth’s foundation, brought the seas into their boundaries, and commanded the morning to dissolve the night[1] will matter.  Having closed their eyes and covered their ears against the truth, those who refused to put their faith in Jesus Christ and receive Him as their Lord and Savior will be without excuse for rejecting the Holy One since God has made Himself evident to all, so every person can see “His invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature.”[2]

Regrettably, we all know people who deny the existence of our sovereign God who reigns in absolute power over His creation.  Pray for these precious souls, that they will seek the Lord while He may be found and invite Him into their lives while He is near.[3]  Pray that they will answer the longing implanted in their hearts for reconciliation with God by repenting of their sins, believing in the holy name of Jesus Christ,[4] confessing Him before the world, and receiving His gift of salvation, so they may have the joy of knowing Him in this life and have the promise of eternal life.[5] 

[1] Job 38:4, 8, 12

[2] Romans 1:19-20

[3] Isaiah 55:6

[4] John 3:16

[5] Matthew 10:32, Acts 2:21