Grace,  Hope,  Mercy,  Trust

Dependence on God – Philippians 4:19

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Events and conditions may turn our worlds upside down and inside out, but contentment can be ours, and though this treasure evades many, the secret to achieving it is not too difficult for us.  Actually, it is beautiful in its simplicity:  live in dependence upon God and put your trust in Him. 

Be free from the weight of unmet desires and debilitating concerns by believing that Jesus is the life-giving vine upon which you grow, the giver of life, the source of your breath and sustenance.  Recognize that you can only accomplish fruitful and lasting works while clinging to the Lord, depending upon His grace and provision, and placing your hope and confidence in Him.[1]  Walk with the lightness of step that comes with comprehending that the Lord alone is your Provider whose majesty shines upon you, and receive with joy and without reservation the power you need to achieve the pleasing and excellent things the Lord has called you to do.[2]  Although all that is important to you may seem awry, be free from worry and despair by resting in the Lord and trusting in His loving-kindness.  During your most unsettling hour, lift your voice to sing, “It is well with my soul,”[3] and cling to the knowledge that He upon whom you depend will not waiver in His care for you.[4]

Attempting to accomplish anything independent of the Lord’s grace and provision is as foolish as the branch thinking it can live and flourish apart from the vine from which it sprang.  When separated from our Vine, Jesus, cut off from His perpetual renewing and refreshing living waters, we shrivel and die of starvation and thirst,[5] for He is our daily bread and fountain of life.[6]  He is our sun and our shield, our grace and our glory.  He is the light in which we walk.[7]  He blesses us, withholding nothing valuable from us as we reside with Him in integrity and live in dependence upon Him.[8]

Make knowing the Lord your passion and delight, and trust Him to provide for you.  Pursue justice and mercy, and rest in His promise to complete His plans for you.  Commit your way to Him, knowing that as you bow down before Him in humility, acknowledging your absolute dependence on Him, He will lift you high, and He will honor you according to His riches in glory.[9]

Lord of Life, renew, refresh me
For You’re the Vine from which I stem
Produce in me eternal glory
Beyond what I might comprehend

Abide in me, as I with You
That I would magnify Your name
By Your mercy, wash clean my heart
So in faith I might proclaim

The Word of truth and salvation
The stream of hope from living springs
The wisdom free to all who ask
The joy that knowing Jesus brings

Keep my remembrance vivid always
That all good things flow from your throne
For every good and perfect gift
Is granted me by grace alone

[1] John 15:5

[2] 2 Timothy 4:17

[3] Horatio G. Spafford, It Is Well With My Soul

[4] Psalm 121:3

[5] 2 Corinthians 4:16

[6] Psalm 36:9

[7] Psalm 89:15

[8] Psalm 84:11

[9] James 4:10