Despair – 2 Corinthians 4:8
…we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;
Do not be discouraged; do not give into despair. Even if you see no result from years of fervent prayer for the deepest desires of your heart, such as the deliverance of a loved one from addiction or the salvation of a spouse, do not give up. Even as your reason cries out in bewilderment at the Lord’s silence to your petitions, press on in faith. When you have done all the Holy Spirit has led you to do to further the cause of Christ in the matter, though you have no answers and see no way of realizing your hope, keep your eyes on the finish line and set your mind on the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.[1] Although that for which you hope seems as far from a reality as when you began your prayerful quest, stay the course. Remain faithful in prayer.
Our enemy would have us give up, become discouraged, and abandon all hope, but a purer voice encourages us to persevere with prayer and petition in the Spirit.[2] The living Word of God spurs us on, witnessing to us in passage after passage about the Father’s promises to hear and answer our prayers.[3] The love of our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts assures us that He will give us everlasting gladness in place of our sorrow and longing.[4]
We need give confusion and disappointment no quarter in our thoughts, for our hope and trust are in the King of the universe,[5] the One who created the starlight and the sunshine.[6] Nor need we idly await the consummation of our hope since our economical Lord is using every twist and turn of the road we tread, every peak and valley we encounter, to perfect His work within us and to further His kingdom through us. We are the living stones of the temple of the One who promises to lead the blind into the holy sanctuary by a way they do not know, to make darkness into light and rugged places into plains.[7] By the Lord’s grace, we can trust that He will create an exquisite work for His glory and our benefit out of that which burdens our hearts.[8]
Never give up hope for a magnificent answer to your prayers, and settle in your mind that despair may not consume your thoughts or weaken your resolve. Continue on your travels with hope and in faith, for though you may not know the way, the One who is the Way does, and nothing can diminish His faithfulness to you.[9]
Do not fear for I will guide you
Along the path you do not know
I will make the darkness light
And create a way for you to go
I’ll make the rugged places flat
White rivers flow in desert sand
I’ll pour my Spirit on your beloved
As living waters on dry land
And they will grow like mighty trees
Beside the streams and river bed
You’ll hear one say, “I am the Lord’s”
Another, “I choose life instead
“Of all the loneliness and fear
That ‘til this day accompanied me
For I have called on Jesus’ name
I once was bound, but now I’m free”
I’ll go before you; stand beside
From dayspring, until setting sun
Each of these things, know I will do
Leaving not a one undone
[1] Philippians 3:14
[2] Ephesians 6:18
[3] 1 John 5:14
[4] Isaiah 51:11
[5] Psalm 22:5
[6] Psalm 74:16
[7] Isaiah 42:16, 1 Peter 2:5
[8] Romans 8:28
[9] Psalm 119:90