Courage,  Faith,  Fear,  Suffering,  Trust

Despondency – Psalm 42:5

Why are you in despair, O my soul?  And why have you become disturbed within me?  Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.

Has your soul become disturbed within you, allowing fear to cloud out God’s light?  Are you in despair because your life seems more like a nightmare than the sweet, hope-filled dreams of your youth?  Are struggles crushing in upon you, and do your failures testify that you are unworthy to be a child of God? 

Rather than crying out from your obstructed vantage point, “Behold, I am perishing,”[1] put your hope in the One who will uphold your cause.[2]  Make Him your promise, for He is right beside you wherever you go.[3]  Though a legion may assail you from without, and your sins, seeming more numerable than the stars in our galaxy, may condemn you from within, cover your ears against the enemies’ lies.  Rebuke them, for they will keep you from receiving the tender compassion and infinite mercy the Lord desires to pour over you as ministering oil when you call upon His name.[4]  Rather than clinging to the past or dwelling on present difficulties, allow God, through the grace of Christ Jesus, the Lover of your soul, to lift you above the stars to the place where peace abounds and a downcast spirit is unknown.  Follow Him, allowing the Spirit to transform you into the person He created you to be, and you will never thirst for peace or joy, for your Provider will lead you to hidden streams that will refresh you throughout your journey.[5] 

Despondency need never overshadow the exuberant joy and glorious well-being that comes with knowing Jesus and in realizing that He loves you.  Rather than giving in to discouragement, set your heart on the Lord.  Respond to your heavenly Father’s daily provision by honoring Him with thanksgiving and by rejoicing in all your undertakings.[6]  Live in the heart-delighting conviction of His commitment to you, and hold fast to His promise that nothing can separate you from His love:  not death, nor life, nor angels, nor demons, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing.[7]  Put your hope in the Lord God, for He who is ever faithful will be faithful to you.[8] 

Allow the light of Jesus Christ to stream into your soul.  Rejoice; raise your voice in songs of praise to your wonderful God.[9]  Make Him your refuge, and He will make your heart glad,[10] giving you joy, causing sorrow and sighing to flee.[11]

Hush, my darling
For I love you more
Than all the need
You now endure

I love you for our hearts are sealed
By a love that you will see revealed

In the depth, the height, the length, the breadth,
The strength, the truth, the endlessness
Of the love by which I hold you, Dear
Of the love that quiets every fear

And I promise you My love is free
Though you know it sometimes fleetingly
The day will come when the part gives way
For the whole to make its grand display

And you’ll abide in the joy love brings
As you safely dwell beneath My wings

[1] Numbers 17:12

[2] Lamentations 3:57-59

[3] Joshua 1:9

[4] Psalm 40:11-12

[5] Isaiah 43:18-21

[6] Deuteronomy 12:18

[7] Romans 8:38-39

[8] 1 Thessalonians 5:24

[9] Psalm 63:5

[10] Psalm 16:9

[11] Isaiah 35:10