Abide,  Discernment,  Discipline,  Trust

Destructive Thoughts – Romans 8:6

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace

Destructive thoughts steal our joy and disrupt our peace in the Lord.  Banish them, for they bring us no good thing.  Rather, they bind us in chains and relegate us to a freezing, black cell far from the warming rays of the sun.  Post a guard in your mind against them, refusing to allow them entrance into your temple of the Holy Spirit.  They are unholy, untrue, and unbeneficial, coming from our enemy, the father of lies,[1] who is constantly looking for ways to distract and discourage us, ultimately to destroy us. 

As part of the enemy’s plan to paralyze our spirits, he whispers destructive thoughts into our ears.  He tells us about the hopelessness of our situation, the uselessness of our persistent prayer for our loved ones, the unworthiness of our offering of love to the Lord, and the senselessness of our sacrifice of pleasures and goods necessary for our happiness.  His goal is to lure us into a woeful place where we will abandon our faith, wallow in self-pity, and believe that evil is good and darkness is light.[2] 

Do not allow destructive thoughts to gain a fingerhold on you.  Turn them away when they vie for your attention.  Refuse to follow them into a dungeon of spiritual futility where they will make you useless for the kingdom of God.  Rather than allowing lies and deception to disturb the peace Jesus offers you, rest in the Lord by exercising wisdom and faith.  Become like-minded with the Lord,[3] reflecting on eternal things, which, though you cannot see or touch them, you know are real because the Holy Spirit has revealed them to your spirit.[4]  Treasure in your heart that which you have learned and heard through the holy, living, and active Word of God.[5] 

Dwell on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, reputable, excellent, and praiseworthy.[6]  Consider that which is profitable, and the Spirit of hope, joy, and peace will fill your life with valuable and desirable gifts from your Father, leaving no room for the fruitless and destructive enticements of the destroyer.  Set your mind on Jesus Christ;[7] fill it with the Word of God, and your thoughts will be sweet as you rejoice in Him.[8]

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren,
Whatever is true,
Whatever is honorable,
Whatever is right,
Whatever is pure,
Whatever is lovely,
Whatever is of good repute,
If there is any excellence
And if anything worthy of praise,
Dwell on these things.

[1] John 8:44

[2] Isaiah 5:20

[3] 2 Corinthians 10:5

[4] 2 Corinthians 4:18

[5] Luke 2:19

[6] Philippians 4:8

[7] 1 Peter 1:13

[8] Psalm 104:34