Disappointment – Psalm 27:13
I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.
Disappointment is inescapable. It pierces our hearts when family and friends fail to love and consider us. It visits us in the repercussions from the inadequacies and mistakes of our leaders. We receive it through our own failure to achieve our goals. As long as we look to any created thing, including ourselves, for fulfillment, companionship, pleasure, or joy, we will know disappointment. Since we, along with those with whom we associate, are works in progress, not yet perfect in Jesus Christ, we will not be able to avoid it. Rather, we will encounter it, perhaps often, throughout our lives.
However, as we grow in faith and learn to trust the Lord, believing that He has a gracious and desirable plan for us, we can lessen disappointment’s frequency and intensity. For as we become more devoted to Christ, setting our hopes and dreams on bringing Him glory and in fulfilling our Father’s will, we will become people of spiritual stature. We will gain maturity in faith, no longer allowing events to toss us about in the tumult caused by life’s vicissitudes.[1] Rather than forfeiting our hope and becoming downcast when things turn out differently than we had expected, we can, with strengthening hearts, exercise patience and demonstrate perseverance. We can stand steadfast on God’s promises because we know that the Lord will bring good out of our present circumstances.[2]
People, places, things, plans, hopes, and dreams will all disappoint you at some time, in some way, probably frequently and acutely. Do not expect otherwise lest you allow the limitations of the fallible and perishing to wound you unnecessarily. When disappointment comes, lift your eyes to the Lord. For He is the only One who will never disappoint you. Set your hope on the One who brings pure light out of deepest darkness and you will stand unshaken by temporary setbacks and outright failures.[3] Instead of succumbing to disappointment, praise the Lord, relegating the happenings around you to an appropriate place where, though you must acknowledge and deal with them, they cannot rob you of your peace and joy.
Find your delight in the Lord God Almighty. Build your life upon the foundation of solid rock that will hold you through the turbulence and tumult disappointment brings and when it comes, call out to Jesus. Place your trust in Him, and He will cause you to stand unshaken while it exhausts itself and, having failed to drag you down, slinks away unnoticed.[4]
Just a glimpse of Your glory
For this, Lord, I pray
May my soul be persuaded
To trust You this day
Sustain me; uphold me
When my courage takes flight
Enlighten my heart, Lord
Be my hope and delight
[1] Ephesians 4:13-15
[2] James 5:7-8
[3] Psalm 112:4, 6
[4] Romans 9:33