Discipline,  Obedience,  Purpose

Discipline – Proverbs 19:18

Discipline your son while there is hope, and do not desire his death.

“We love them too much to see them unhappy,” explain the parents who indulge their children, allowing unruly spirits to reign over them.  Sadly, rather than benefiting the young recipients of this thinking, the consequences for indulgence can be tragic. For the parents who will not demonstrate Spirit-led wisdom by disciplining their children and training them in the way of the Lord while there is yet hope, often condemn their sons and daughters to miserable lives.

Wise parents are not deceived into thinking that withholding discipline is born out of love, for those who diligently instruct and restrain their children, demonstrate active love for the precious lives given into their care by the Lord.[1] Think about the contrast between wisdom and the lack thereof. Discipline brings wisdom,[2] and wisdom brings joy in the Lord.  Lack of discipline brings unhappiness since spoiled children are the most miserable people on earth, surpassed only by the spoiled adults into whom they will undoubtedly grow.  In their self-absorption, having learned from indulgent parents that they are “king,” they have difficulty accepting the gift of eternal life. They grip the throne of their hearts so tightly that many will not bow in submission to Jesus as their Lord and Savior, refusing to ask Him, the King of kings, to take His rightful place in their lives.

A child’s heart is full of foolishness, and only discipline, lovingly, gently, and consistently administered, will displace this foolishness with wisdom and proven character.[3] Discipline, faithfully and wisely given, allows a child to learn the things that are essential for a life of fellowship with God,[4] a life of value for His kingdom.

Parents have but a hairsbreadth of time to teach their children the true lessons of life, to bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord,[5] so that they might walk in them as they grow into adulthood.[6]  Therefore, do not be afraid to discipline your children, for you will not harm them, rather you will do them a great service, perhaps saving them from the gates of damnation.[7]

With confidence that the Lord will guide you, accept the privilege of disciplining your children for their own good, so they might come to love and serve the Lord and to lead well-ordered lives.[8]

[1] Proverbs 13:24

[2] Proverbs 29:15

[3] Proverbs 22:15

[4] Proverbs 3:13

[5] Ephesians 6:4

[6] Proverbs 22:6

[7] Proverbs 23:13-14

[8] Deuteronomy 8:5