Doers of the Word – James 1:22
But prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.
Serving as Jesus served and loving as Jesus loved is our high calling as Christians. Exemplifying the character of Jesus Christ, taking on the heart and hands of a servant, as did our Lord, is our joy. Bringing Christ honor through a walk worthy of those who call themselves Jesus’ friend, is our passion. Pleasing Him in all we do, so that we might produce abundant fruit for His kingdom through our good works,[1] is our privilege and delight.
With the same commitment with which we received Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior, so we must obey His instruction to love and serve others.[2] With the same humility as Jesus displayed when He knelt to wash His disciples’ feet,[3] so we are to minister to the body of Christ. As those filled with the light of Jesus, as beacons set high on a hill, as the flame of a thousand torches, we are to shine through a ministry of love, so many will see the Lord through us, and in seeing Him, commit their lives to Him and join their voices with the heavenly choir proclaiming His glory.[4]
The Holy Spirit witnesses to us that faith without serving and loving is a dead and useless faith.[5] Such a faith does not please God. We delude ourselves if we think we can grow closer to the image of our Beloved Savior while continuing to live as we formerly lived, for God will not be mocked.[6] He has made us new creations in Christ, and He is transforming our hearts. He is giving us beautiful characters shaped by humility, patience, and love,[7] so we may lay down our lives with joy, feeling no deprivation, and perform the holy works He has preordained for us.
Keep on doing the things you have learned, and received, and heard, and the God of peace will be with you.[8] Follow the commandments and statutes of God, faithfully being about your Father’s business. Perform those acts of loving-kindness about which He has instructed you, and your Father will be faithful to bless your service on His behalf.[9] Be a doer of the Word, and in the perfection of time, the Lord will honor you for serving His good purposes on earth.[10]
Trials bring out the best or worst
For one’s response is unrehearsed
The mind and soul no more concealed
The heart’s intents fully revealed
Though through the trials much was asked
With love you carried out the tasks
The sacrifice was great, yet light
For serving brought you fresh delight
In knowing you did all you could
Far more than any thought you should
By walking in the grace bestowed
While struggling beneath the load
And know our God will honor you
For faithfulness, steadfast and true
And you will reap a rich reward
For serving as unto the Lord
[1] Colossians 1:10
[2] Colossians 2:6, Matthew 19:19b
[3] John 13:5
[4] Matthew 5:16
[5] James 2:17
[6] Galatians 6:7
[7] Ephesians 4:1-2
[8] Philippians 4:9
[9] John 13:17
[10] John 12:26