Don’t Ask Why – Daniel 4:35
All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’
God controls the stars in the sky and everything on this earth. When God does something, we cannot change it or even ask why.
Where were we when God created the stars and called each by name?[1] How many of us can gather the wind in our fists and wrap the waters in our garments?[2] Who among us could direct the darkness to its place?[3]
Not one, for we cannot begin to grasp the greatness, power, victory, glory, and majesty of God, who has everything in heaven and earth under His dominion.[4] He is unchanging, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and His kingdom is everlasting.[5] His work is perfect, and all His ways are just; He is a God of faithfulness, righteousness, and integrity,[6] the beginning and the end. He has put all things in order, and all things are of Him.[7]
Which of us has the wisdom, knowledge, or understanding to begin to comprehend God’s plans for the universe and all that it contains or to question the loving-kindness of the Lord of lords and King of kings? Not one, for we see only in part according to the pattern revealed to us, but our Minister of the sanctuary, Jesus Christ, sees in full. He sits upon the throne of majesty and with complete understanding of His Father’s plan, provides an excellent way for us, one far superior to any we could devise for ourselves.[8]
Do not burden yourself with questions that will remain unanswered until we meet the Lord in Paradise. Leave your fears at the foot of the throne, and trust in the Almighty, the One who gives the horse its might and commands the eagle to soar,[9] for He alone controls the stars in the sky and everything on this earth.
Rather than anguishing over that
which is beyond your control, take comfort in the immutable promises of the
Lord, for He will make all things beautiful in His time,[10] and do not fret because you do not understand why people
suffer hardship on this earth. Leave the
mysteries of life to God, for He created you for freedom, for rejoicing and gladness,
not bondage, sadness, or fear.
Therefore, with a trusting heart, rejoice and be glad in Him.[11]
Where were you when God gave the earth its perfect base
Were you there when He set the heavens in their place
Did you fix the measurements; did you stretch the line
Did you lay the cornerstone and this sphere design
Were you there to hang the stars, giving each a name
Were you there, and do you share rightly in the fame
Did you hear the morning star raise its voice in song
Did you tell the seas where it is that they belong
Have you commanded morning and told the dawn to rise
Have you walked into the deep and the expanse advise
Have you seen the storehouses that overflow with snow
Have you restrained the hail and then told it when to go
Have you laid the path for the flood and thunderbolt
Did you give the horse its might and give life to its colt
Does your understanding allow the hawk to soar
Is it by your power that the eagle can endure
If you cannot answer, “Yes indeed, I am the one
Who created earth, and seas, the stars, the moon, the sun”
Do not criticize the holy One who did
Or demand He answer you about the things He’s hid
Rather clothe yourself in honor, grace, and dignity
Adorn yourself in eminence and His majesty
Trust Him with the things far too wonderful to know
Rest within the blessings that from His presence flow
[1] Isaiah 40:26
[2] Proverbs 30:4
[3] Job 38:19
[4] 1 Chronicles 29:11
[5] Malachi 3:6, Psalm 145:13
[6] Deuteronomy 32:4
[7] Revelation 1:8, 2 Samuel 23:5
[8] Hebrews 8:1-2, 6
[9] Job 39:19, 26-27
[10] Ecclesiastes 3:11
[11] Isaiah 65:18