Encouraging Others – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.
While I was visiting some former colleagues, one of my previous employees showed me a handwritten note of encouragement I had written him on my personal stationery. As a new hire changing careers, he had struggled to adapt to a dramatically different environment, but I had felt confident that he had the needed qualities. I, along with others, invested time in him as he gained the skills needed to excel in his job. He did excel, and over the years, he became a leader in the department.
By the next day, I am sure I had forgotten the note, which commended him for some success after several false starts, but ten years later, he carried that note in his portfolio. My note reached a root hungry for nourishment, encouraging him when he longed to feel valued and valuable, and it warmed his heart a decade later.
Seeing that note, I was awed at the Lord’s goodness in granting me the knowledge that so small a kindness had such significance to another. This former employee’s response gave me renewed inspiration to live out the biblical exhortation to “encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called ‘Today.’”[1] The joy my tiny act of encouragement brought back to me years later makes me eager to serve others more generously as I anticipate the fullness of joy I will feel when I go through the riches in heaven deposited to my account with each kindness done out of a desire to emulate my Lord.[2]
If you, as I, want to arrive in the eternal city to find an overflowing chest of treasures, fill your chest by being a holy encourager, as was Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement, whose resolute heart, rejoicing in the awesome grace of God, inspired all those within the church.[3] As the Father of all comfort encourages us,[4] encourage others. Consider how you can stimulate them to remain faithful, to serve with honor, and to walk in joy.[5]
Encourage others at every corner, and receive the blessing encouragement gives to those who carry it. For our Father, who breathes faith and hope into our souls with every heartbeat, will be well pleased by your faithfulness, and although the eternal results of your kindness may remain unknown to you until you enter heaven’s gates, be assured that the Lord takes notice of every generous and kind act performed in His name.[6]
[1] Hebrews 3:13
[2] Matthew 6:20
[3] Acts 11:23
[4] 2 Corinthians 1:3, Romans 15:5
[5] Hebrews 10:24
[6] Matthew 25:34-40