Enriched in Christ – I Corinthians 1:4-5
I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God, which was given you in Christ Jesus, that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge.
When we disparage ourselves, we disparage God. When we listen to the enemy’s whispers that we are worthless, we accuse God of creating worthless things. As those lovingly formed in our mother’s womb by the One who created the beauty of the mountains, the wonders of the sea, and the force of the wind, we are gloriously and wondrously made, and our highest aspiration should be to use what we have been given to bring glory to our Creator.[1]
In God’s graciousness, He has enriched us with everything we need to glorify Him. We are righteous, but not in our righteousness. Rather, we stand before our Father in Christ’s righteousness, made right by the blood of Jesus Christ poured out for us and by the salvation He gave to us.[2] He has given us an unbreakable core of strength that fortifies our souls[3] and spiritual eyes, so we can see ourselves as who we are in Christ, for the Lord does not look at outward appearance when considering whom He will use to perform valuable works in His name. Instead, He searches our hearts,[4] considering our thoughts and intents, drawing near to those who seek Him.[5] We are new creations in Christ Jesus, imbued with the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit of the living God.[6] We are no longer being conformed to this world with all its deception and allure, for the Lord is renewing our minds and transforming us into His likeness.[7]
Recognize yourself as God’s masterpiece, and use what He, who is the source of every capability and resource, has given you. The Lord has equipped you to perform astounding deeds for His kingdom, so do not be deceived into thinking otherwise. Ignore the deceiver’s disparaging taunts that you are not righteous, educated, strong, or attractive enough to serve the living God with power and success. Rather, fortify yourself with the truth that the Lord, who supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus,[8] is equipping you with the unique abilities needed to accomplish all He has ordained for you to do.
Since Christ has enriched you,
dress yourself in the holy adornments of honor, holiness, inner strength, and
beauty. Let God’s glory shine through you
and you will do an amazing works in His name.
[1] Romans 9:23
[2] Romans 3:21-24
[3] Ephesians 3:16
[4] 1 Samuel 16:7
[5] 1 Chronicles 28:9
[6] 2 Corinthians 5:17
[7] Romans 12:2
[8] Philippians 4:19