Faith,  Fear,  Freedom

Eternal Perspective – 2 Corinthians 4:18

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

At one point in my career, fear that my company would eliminate or downsize the department I managed during a planned reorganization caused me sleepless nights.  The reorganization worked out well for me; however, one year later, I laid down my aspiration to ascend to the heights of corporate America.  I took a non-management job within the same company, and I never looked back. 

The Lord has often reminded me of the profound irony of losing sleep over a job that I did not want a year later, and He has used this episode to teach me to hold the things that are passing away with a lighter touch.  Each of us knows that the time will inevitably come when death will force us to release all that is temporal, yet we often torture ourselves over that which is worthless in light of eternity.  Forgetting how much more joyful we are when we embrace the wisdom of the Lord and walk in peace with our minds fixed on the everlasting Rock of salvation,[1] we often cling to the vaporous and perishable, to what withers like grass. 

Rather than ignoring Wisdom’s invitation to set our hope in the living and enduring Word of God,[2] be like the wise man who built his home upon solid rock, not the shifting sand of life’s situations.[3] Look toward eternity, for as we lift our eyes to the Lord, who is enthroned in the heavens,[4] we find our grip loosening on the things that are vanishing.  They no longer captivate us, consuming our energy while keeping us from going about our Father’s business.  We are able to distinguish between the worthless and the worthwhile, and with this understanding, we can joyfully pursue that which is beneficial for the kingdom of God.  Thus focused on imperishable things, we will bear fruit, filling our treasure chests in heaven with riches that moths cannot destroy and thieves cannot steal.[5]  Rejoice in the thrilling promise of an eternity spent with our Lord.  While the world and its pleasures, goods, and pride are no more tangible and lasting than a summer breeze, the Lord has assured us that we, who love Him, will live forever with Him in the golden city, the city beautiful to behold.[6]

Set high on a hill
Its streets of fine gold
Magnificent, awesome
With riches untold

Crystal-clear waters
Refreshing and pure
Walls made of jasper
Safe and secure

The true Light of glory
Shines bright and ablaze
As we enter the city
Singing anthems of praise

[1] Isaiah 26:3-4

[2] 1 Peter 1:23

[3] Matthew 7:24-27

[4] Psalm 123:1

[5] Matthew 6:19-20

[6] 1 John 2:17