Faith,  Grace,  Judgment,  Purpose

Eternal Rewards – Luke 6:23a

Be glad in that day and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven.

Treasures await the faithful servants of the Lord. 

Anticipating our eternal rewards in heaven sounds self-seeking, for the joy of knowing Jesus and the delight of serving Him are blessings enough for that which we do in His name.[1]  The assurance of eternal life gratifies our hearts, leaving us content to rest in our Father’s provision for us.[2] 

Yet, Jesus promises eternal rewards to those who follow Him.  Therefore, we know He wants us to be excited about them, to be jealous for them, and to be careful to receive them in their fullest measure.[3]  He, who desires our happiness, wants us to look forward to our triumphant entrance into heaven and to what awaits inside its gates. 

Jesus tells us that our eyes will behold Him in all of His glory in heaven.  His welcoming words will cause our hearts to rejoice as He greets us, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.  Enter into the joy of your lord.”[4]  Having given our lives to that which endures to everlasting life,[5] we will stand before the King’s throne unafraid as we hear our deeds read from the Book of Life.[6]  We will be glad as our works for God’s kingdom are tested as by fire, for those laid on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ.[7] 

Having loved the Lord our God with pure, devoted hearts, we will bow as He puts the crown of life on our heads[8] and leads us to the place He prepared for us in His Father’s house.[9]  We will throw off the partial for the complete, the flawed for the perfect, and the faltering for the unshakable[10].  Without regret, we will exchange the corruptible for the incorruptible, dishonor for glory, weakness for power, and the fleeting for the eternal as we leave the earth for that which is infinitely more desirable.[11]  As we stand in the full light of our Lord, we will delight in our imperishable spiritual bodies, raised in glory, as we receive our full inheritance in the kingdom of God.[12]  

Take joy in your service in Jesus’ name and in the rewards awaiting you in heaven where you will shine like the brightness of the firmament and like the stars forever and ever.[13]

The angels pulled back heaven’s scroll
To welcome home the precious soul
Who passed from living into life
Who passed beyond all earthy strife

The choir formed in joyful song
So eagerly he sang along
And when the throng at last dispersed
He realized he had no thirst

Nor hunger, nor a single thought
Of want, for he had all he’d sought
When assurances were yet unseen
Resting upon a distant dream

When he’d survived by faith not sight
Trusting throughout the longest night
And as he sat by Glory’s seat
The promises were full, complete

Though he had never dared presume
Jesus showed him to his room
And having seen his heart’s intent
Thanked him for a life well spent

[1] Isaiah 49:4

[2] John 5:24

[3] 2 John 1:8

[4] Matthew 25:21, New King James Version

[5] John 6:27

[6] Revelation 20:11-12

[7] 1 Corinthians 3:8-15

[8] James 1:12

[9] John 14:2-3

[10] 1 Corinthians 13:9-10, Luke 6:48

[11] 1 Corinthians 15:42-44

[12] Psalm 37:18

[13] Daniel 12:3