Eternal View – Genesis 23:15
“My lord, listen to me; a piece of land worth four hundred shekels of silver, what is that between me and you? So bury your dead.”
Ephron’s indifference to payment by Abraham for Sarah’s burial land may have been just posturing; however, the sentiment that possessions should not become sticking points between people of good will is worth endorsing. For how free are those who hold their riches with a light touch, who having no heart-gripping, spirit-choking need to acquire endless piles of money[1] can give away something valuable without suffering giver’s remorse.[2]
Could we not carry the same proposition to each of life’s encounters? Surely, we would spare ourselves untold rancor and fighting if we would ask Ephron’s simple question, what is this between you and me, before jumping into the fray over some offense or omission. Were we to entrust our goods and emotions to the Lord and lift them to the light of eternity, we would prevent needless dissention and alienation. Should we refuse to retaliate for a personal affront, we would hold fast to the unshakable peace and limitless joy that results from unity of spirit among people of good will.
With your mind set on heaven, pursue the infinitely valuable way of love. Entrust everything that touches your life to your loving Father and let Christ’s beauty shine through you as you follow His direction. Instead of struggling and arguing, remember that whatever the problem, it is not the first one since the earth’s creation over which God has relinquished control. Therefore, trust that since He is indeed in control, He will bring good to His beloved through it. Even if He chooses to allow you to suffer injustice, praise Him for the spiritual benefits He will bring to you out of the affair.[3]
Rest in your faith, and look at every human interaction from a holy perspective. Enjoy the peace that comes from praying, trusting, giving thanks, and rejoicing always, in all things.[4] Understand that our trials, along with our possessions, monumental and minuscule, are but vapors. Blink and you will find yourself face to face with Jesus at heaven’s gate unable to remember why you considered them so important.
Rather than worrying about the
world’s minutia, choose the better part; choose to be close to your Lord and to
emulate Him in your relationships.[5] Instead of chasing
the perishable and illusory, strive for the everlasting virtues of Christ,
which you can freely receive and abundantly enjoy.[6] Keep eternity in
view, considering as trivial anything that would rupture your relationship with
one whom God, as with you, created in His image and maintains by His love.[7]
[1] Luke 8:14
[2] Deuteronomy 15:10
[3] Daniel 3:17-18
[4] Philippians 4:4-9
[5] Luke 10:41-42
[6] John 6:27
[7] Romans 13:8