Hope,  Suffering,  Trust,  Truth

Eternity – Romans 8:18

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

Walls of tribulation may block our view of heaven; our sorrow may be deep and the prospects of a happy resolution to our struggle may seem hopeless, yet God is still on His throne.  Therefore, we can rejoice and be glad in Him.

He stills loves us, and we, having been grafted into His family through the saving grace of faith in Jesus Christ, are still just passing through on the way to heaven.  Even if the sun and moon fail to shine and the stars lose their luster, we can still rejoice in the Lord, for He will deliver us from bone-chilling dangers and guide us through soul-shaking trials as we call upon His name.[1]  Should the seas engulf the earth, we can still sing praises to our God, for under His tender care, we will remain safe upon high ground. 

The promises of the Lord’s Word remind us that our pain and sorrow are not forever, while God’s love is everlasting.  As we fix our hope on His enduring promises, we can loosen our grip on temporal things, for we are merely aliens in this foreign land.[2]  After all, the battle is not ours, but the Lord’s.[3]  Jesus will not forsake us.  He will carry us through our tribulations, washing us and making our robes white in the blood of the Lamb.[4]  He will wipe away all our tears and abolish death, mourning, fear, and pain.[5]  He will take our hands and lead us to the place He has reserved for us in His Father’s mansion.[6]

Christian, look heavenward, beyond present suffering.  Trials will pale in comparison to the guarantee that you have a place prepared for you in heaven where the light of God’s glory will fill you and warm you.[7]  Rejoice, for burdensome as today’s struggles may be, everlasting joy awaits those who follow Jesus.  Look forward to spending all eternity dining with your Father, the King of Universe, at His banquet table, under His banner of love.[8]

Shining like the noonday sun
Victorious, the battle won
The dawning streams of heaven glowed
Righteousness and wisdom flowed

Upon the one who bowed in prayer
Who choose to lay down every care
Every burden, wish, and dream
Every hope of things unseen

She surely would have cringed in fear
And fretted over things held dear
Had not the Lord sent healing rays
To warm her heart and light her days

And though hard pressed on every side
She knew her Father would provide
For countless times His pure love shown
To prove that she was not alone

So shining like the noonday sun
Her spirit soured to praise the One
Who wrapped her in His loving arms
And kept her free from every harm


[1] Joel 2:10, 23, 32

[2] 1 Peter 2:11

[3] 1 Samuel 17:47

[4] Revelation 7:14

[5] Revelation 21:4

[6] John 14:2

[7] Revelation 21:23

[8] Song of Solomon 2:4

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