Evangelism – Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.
God does not call every Christian to preach before masses, but He does appoint each to perform a holy work for the cause of Christ. For a person’s eternal destiny does not require a renowned evangelist to bring him the message of salvation. Rather, the Holy Spirit uses laypeople as well as clergy to bring the Good News to the lost, and surely the Lord has placed in our path enough unsaved people with whom we could share the Gospel.
Yet, too often, we fail to fulfill this God-ordained ministry because a perceived lack of eloquence paralyzes us,convincing us we could not effectively articulate the blessings of salvation,the freedom of redemption, and the glory of Christ. However, we need not fear, since reaching the lost does not rely on the superiority of our words, but on the power of the Holy Spirit working through us and within the one to whom we speak.[1] Therefore, instead of focusing our own capabilities, we do well to depend on the Lord to give us boldness in making known the mystery of the Gospel.[2]
With faith that the Lord anoints the lips of those who carry the Good News, take the message to the lost,entrusting the Spirit to bless it, and leave the souls upon whom it falls to God’s mercy. Understand that another’s salvation does not depend on the perfection of our rhetoric, for the Lord does not require us to orate beautifully or persuade effectively.[3] He calls us to lift up His name from sincere, pure, and dedicated hearts, and to trust that as we do, He will draw the lost to Himself.[4] We need simply to tell the story of Jesus as the Spirit guides us, and Jesus Himself will lead,with cords of kindness and ties of love, those whose hearts are open to Him, so they might enter through heaven’s gates into life.[5]
The Lord has appointed you as His emissary to those who are perishing; therefore, faithfully exercise this commission. Boldly proclaim the Gospel,taking your stand for Christ alongside the saints whose ministries echo through the centuries. Prove yourself worthy of the holy work of reconciliation to which God has called you. Speak the truth of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, entrusting Him to pierce the hearts of those He has chosen to receive His Word, to embrace repentance, entering into salvation.[6]
[1] 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
[2] Ephesians 6:19
[3] Exodus 4:11-12
[4] John 12:32
[5] Hosea 11:4
[6] Acts 2:37