Evil Associates – Revelations 2:20
But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
Will we, the body of Christ, arise out of our spiritual lethargy to stand for what is right and true? Will we return to our first love, remember from where we have fallen, repent, and begin afresh to serve the Lord as we did when we were first born again?[1]
We must; for the love of our families and country, we must. Otherwise, we will stand by and watch our society’s destruction. For as surely as weeds creep into an untended garden to perniciously choke off every lovely and nourishing plant that grows within it, our tolerance of those who behave in an unholy and unrighteous manner will choke off the beauty and fruitfulness of Christ’s disciples in the church.
As lovers of Christ, we must turn away from the wicked and immoral influences in our society, which seduce the unwitting into irreverence and sexual impurity. For those who flirt with the haters of God and lovers of evil will find themselves beguiled, and having lost their sense of right and wrong, they will be led like oxen to slaughter.[2] Although those who have joined in partnership with evil think no one sees the deeds they do in darkness, they are deceived, trusting in lies, and they will be startled awake as they fall from the heights into the enemy’s deep pit.[3]
Our sentries should be on high alert, as we remain steadfast in holiness, refusing to participate in unclean and debauched behavior while fleeing from those who promote such things.[4] We are without excuse should we refuse to turn away from evil since discernment accompanies the truth, and it brings understanding that one who participates in evil is doing the bidding of the devil.[5] Rather than fellowshipping with ungodliness, we should strive to delight the Lord by practicing righteousness, as we stand firm against sinfulness.[6]
Examine your associations, and if you find that you have entanglements with persons or activities that cause you to sin and participate in that which is evil in God’s sight, break free, so you may be pure and holy, living in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.
[1] Revelation 2:4-5
[2] Proverbs 7:18-22
[3] Isaiah 47:10-11
[4] Proverbs 8:13
[5] 1 John 3:8
[6] 1 Chronicles 29:17