Faith – Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Faith, divinely planted, sown by grace, freely given, takes root in those who call upon the Lord’s name to ask Him for this treasure of incalculable worth, infinite benefit, and eternal consequence. At its beginnings, faith is as the smallest of seeds, but once buried in a fertile heart, which is set upon the Lord, watered by the sacred Scriptures, nurtured by the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit, and fed by the grace and love of God, this seed grows into a mighty tree.[1]
Vastly prized, highly desirable, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ brings those who will receive it out of the shadows into the light, delivering them from the grip of Satan into God’s hand.[2] This same faith sanctifies and equips. Being more valuable than bushels of flawless diamonds, it enables those having even the smallest portion of it to accomplish the extraordinary for the cause of Light in a land captivated by darkness. Though we who possess it may walk through dire trials, it gives us absolute assurance of security and provision.[3]
Therefore, pursue faith with the same vigor that a young man pursues the true love of his life. Invite the Spirit of God to cleanse your heart and complete His sanctifying work within you through faith.[4] Fill your mind with God’s living, active, piercing Word,[5] listen to it; bury it within your heart, and allow it to nourish you, to transform you, so faith may flourish and blossom within you.[6] Recognizing your need for greater faith, ask the Lord to increase it[7] and to uphold you before the Father that your faith may not fail in times of trial.[8] Exercise your faith when tested, standing on God’s promise that He is for you, and, therefore, no one can stand against you.[9]
Day by day, through joy and sorrow, live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Walk by it, not by sight.[10] Trust in the One who ransomed you and called you by name out of the prison where sin had locked you away, so you might enter into the holy region where you will abide with Him.[11]
Receive the plenteous blessings God has promised to those, who walking by faith, love Him and trust in Him.[12]
[1] Mark 4:31-32
[2] Acts 26:18
[3] Matthew 17:20
[4] Acts 15:8-9
[5] Hebrews 4:12
[6] Romans 10:17
[7] Luke 17:5
[8] Luke 22:31-32
[9] Romans 8:31
[10] 2 Corinthians 5:6-7
[11] Isaiah 43:1-3
[12] Galatians 3:14