Abide,  Trust

Fear – Isaiah 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

During college, I attended a school where the streets, which were alive with students and activity during the day, were dark, deserted, and frightening at night. On more than one occasion, I foolishly worked in the library until late into the evening, coming out onto those streets physically trembling for my life as I went to my car.  My failure to exercise prudence was not deliberate, nor do I recommend it, but during those terrifying walks, I learned the antidote for fear. As I bathed my mind with the Lord’s soothing promise to help me, to strengthen me, and to uphold me, the Lord calmed me, steadying my hand as I put the key in the car door and got inside.

Isaiah 41:10 has become one of my life verses. Whenever fear grips my heart, I set my hope on its promises. Although I have learned not to be so cavalier with my safety and not to put myself at unnecessary risk, my life, along with that of everyone who has ever lived, is fraught with the unknown, unexpected, and downright frightening. I desperately need the Lord’s reassurance and comfort to face its vicissitudes. Many nights when I have gone to bed worried over something, I have allowed these beautiful words to caress my mind and soothe my soul.  As the Word of God enfolds me, I am no longer alone, no longer defenseless, for the Lord is my Keeper, Protector, and Fortress,[1] and His loving-kindness is my comfort.[2]

When fear and worry nip at your heart, shoo them away. Rest in the palm of the Lord’s hand,[3] and listen as He tells you, “Do not fear them, for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you.”[4]  Close your eyes and surrender to the deep sleep of those who trust their Lord to protect them.  Do not look anxiously about you; rather call upon the Lord, and be comforted and assured by His faithfulness to His beloved.  Put your confidence in Him and fear must depart from you, for the Lord, your strength, will hear your call and uphold you with His righteous right hand.[5]

            I’d stand a weak, defenseless child

            To face the foes against me filed

            But for the grace the Father gave

            And the victory of an empty grave

            The promise that His love endures

            Will bring me round to safer shores

            Armed with prayer and faith prepared

            Equipped to stand, no longer scared

            A prayer unseen yet mountains heed

            Provision full for every need

            An army felled but no one fired

            The faithful blessed as He desired

            A seed of faith becomes a tree

            That holds against a savage sea

            So deep the roots, no gale upturned

            So rich the soil, no hunger burned

            I stand a strong and mighty tower

            Against the foes that would devour

            Imbued with strength from Him above

         Wrapped in His power and endless love

[1] Psalm 121:5, Psalm 31:3

[2] Psalm 119:76

[3] Isaiah 49:2

[4] Deuteronomy 3:22

[5] Psalm 31:4