Freedom,  Grace,  Trust,  Truth

Finding Jesus – Deuteronomy 4:29

But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish, but will have eternal life.[1] 

Do you have the promise of eternal life?  Have you entered into the family of God through the salvation given to those who believe on the name of Jesus Christ?[2]  Have you called upon Jesus, embracing Him as your Lord and Savior, accepting the Father’s promise that by your belief in Jesus, you will spend eternity in the kingdom of God, enclosed in walls of jasper in the city of pure gold, seeing the Creator of the universe with your own eyes, dwelling in His presence?[3] 

If you have yet to walk through the Gate of Life into salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, seek Him today; trust in Him, and He will take you by the hand and lead you to the springs of holy water.[4]  Satisfy your unquenchable hunger and thirst by setting your hope on Jesus, the Bread and Fountain of Life.[5]  Answer Jesus’ invitation to “Come, and partake of the river of life without cost,”[6] and dive into the cool, refreshing flow of living waters, receiving your place in eternity as one receives good news from a faraway land.[7]  Follow the Light of the world out of the dark, barren place where your slave master has entrapped you, and allow Jesus to lead you into the light that will warm your stone-cold heart and bleach white your garments made filthy by sin.[8]  Be born again through Christ’s completed work of redemption and salvation on the cross, and enter into God’s family.[9]

Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul, and you will find Him.  On finding Him, embrace Him.  Believe in Him.  Confess and turn from your sins before Him, and delight in His sure and steadfast promise that you will live with Him forever in Paradise.  Rejoice in finding Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and in so doing, you will have found an anchor for your soul.[10]

Jesus, Righteous Jesus,
Righteous Savior, be my Savior
Be my salvation, hope, and promise
Of life and immortality
Light extinguishing the darkness
Glory for all eternity

Jesus, Gentle Jesus,
Lord of heaven, be my Lord
As I bow my knee before you
I bring this offering of prayer
Would you come into my life
Bringing freedom from despair

Jesus, Spotless Jesus,
My Hope, Redeemer, redeem me
As I walk through this deep valley
I stand with nothing in my hand
Forgive my sins that flow as rivers
Make me pure as desert sand

Jesus, Mighty Jesus,
Mighty Counselor, counsel me
Teach me about my Father
That I might know His Majesty
Open wide my heart’s stone shutters
Though I was blind, through You I see

Jesus, Holy Jesus,
Holy Leader walk with me
I could not reach the Father
Til You bridged the great divide
Til You took my hand and led me
Over to my Father’s side

My beloved, precious Jesus, Walk with me

[1] John 3:16

[2] John 1:12

[3] Revelation 21:18, 1 John 3:2

[4] Isaiah 49:10

[5] John 6:35, Psalm 36:9

[6] Revelation 22:17

[7] Proverbs 25:25

[8] John 8:12

[9] John 3:3

[10] Hebrews 6:19