Discipline,  Obedience,  Wisdom

Flee From Evil – Amos 5:14a

Seek good and not evil, that you may live.

Flee from evil, and pursue what is good,[1] so, having once set yourself apart from association with the powers of darkness, you may grow in spiritual stature.

Believers who love life keep sentinels against evil on full alert, never resting on past virtues nor considering themselves impervious to temptation from sin’s attacks.  Instead of growing careless, these followers of Christ wisely remember that Satan will use every craft and wile in his bag of tricks to entrap those who, having become self-satisfied with their righteousness, let down their guard.[2]  Therefore, those who desire to grow in holiness will sharpen their defenses and fortify their hearts with the word of truth, listening to the wisdom of the ages, and following the astute war counsel of the Holy Spirit.  For even those of us who have seen the Lord perform mighty miracles in response to the prayers of the fellowship of Christ would find ourselves enticed and carried away, allowing sin to draw us into spiritual death[3] if we were to take our eyes off Jesus.

Running from evil is not enough; we must run hard after godliness.  Having escaped the world’s defilements through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, we must determine that we will not allow sin to entangle and overcome us again.[4]  For although earnest souls may sweep their hearts free of unclean spirits, if they do not surrender to Christ as sovereign Lord and invite the Holy Spirit to fill the space sin once cruelly occupied, the unclean spirits will return to entrench themselves.  Finding their former abodes welcoming, they will bring greater evil, leaving these irresolute souls worse off than before.[5]

Set your heart against evil.  Hunger and thirst after God.  Flee from anything tainted by irreverence or impurity, avoiding the ways of the devil.[6]  Pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, loving-kindness, perseverance, and gentleness.  Dedicate time daily to fellowship with the Lord, praying and meditating on His holy Word, and when you are tempted into unholy territory, flee from your tempter into the arms of your mighty Protector.

The Lord stands ready to welcome you into His high tower, where He will preserve you behind its powerful walls, where you will dwell in safety, far from evil’s clutches.  Receive His Word, treasure His commandments, and be attentive to wisdom.  Incline your heart to understanding, and you will enter into the altogether delightful place where Jesus resides.[7]

[1] Amos 5:15

[2] Genesis 3:1-4

[3] James 1:13-15

[4] 2 Peter 2:20

[5] Luke 11:24-26

[6] Proverbs 4:14-15

[7] Proverbs 2:1-2, 7-8, 3:5-8