Forbidden Treasures – Joshua 7:1
But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully in regard to the things under the ban for Achan … took some of the things under the ban; therefore, the anger of the Lord burned against the sons of Israel.
Would a search party find forbidden treasures buried among your possessions?[1] Do you have things the Lord has banned hidden in your home or in your heart?
I once performed a purge from my home. I went through the house and threw away anything I felt would be displeasing to the Lord, including books, videos, and games. I also gave back borrowed books and restored items left behind from various parties, such as plates and umbrellas, to their rightful owners. I cleaned house, dealing with the accumulation that needed to be thrown away or returned. That was easy.
Cleaning out the forbidden objects of idolatry buried within our hearts is another thing, for we often cling to them, somehow feeling they are too valuable to relinquish altogether. This is as foolish as Achan thinking he could gain some benefit from hidden plunder while blatantly disobeying the holy God of Israel.
Mercifully, God does not destroy us instantly for our slowness to clean our spiritual houses. Rather He teaches us, lovingly and patiently, that we must banish our filthy idols if we want to be welcomed into the royal throne room to find mercy and help in time of need.[2] However, we dare not trifle with our awesome God. Once understanding what He is calling us to do, we walk a dangerous line when we ignore His instructions. We cannot expect the Lord to fulfill our desire to see Him if we refuse to cast out the unholy things in our lives, replacing them with purity.[3] For when we settle for the dazzling, yet worthless, baubles of earth, we cut ourselves off from that which has true worth, that is, unencumbered fellowship with Christ.
Have you purged your home and heart of all that is offensive to the Lord, so Purity and Holiness may live within them? Do not be like Achan and think you can hide your idols from the Lord. Rather, search the crannies and closets within and without, root out contraband, and rid yourself of the tainted and sinful. Dedicate yourself to God, and having removed forbidden things from your midst, you will draw nearer to Him and further away from sin.
Thus cleansed and purified, you will be able to stand firm, prepared for battle, reinforced by the Lord’s armies against an enemy devoted to destroying all that you hold dear.[4] Consecrate yourself, and you will share in the radiance of Christ while receiving an outpouring of blessings from heaven.[5]
Buried deep, but not unseen
Contraband beneath the floor
Knowing it did not belong
But giving way to sin’s allure
Forbidden things held so close
Thinking that I had deceived
He who knew my soul’s intent
He in whom my heart believed
But with faith, a bright light shone
On unlawful treasures where
I had thought no one could see
And that the Lord was unaware
Found out, laid bare, yet not cut down
As I surely had supposed
Instead the Lord helped me clean out
The idols He Himself exposed
And He left no vacancy
Though many things were tossed aside
For He filled me with radiance
As He took me for His bride
[1] Joshua 7:20-21
[2] Hebrews 4:16
[3] Matthew 5:8
[4] Joshua 7:13
[5] Exodus 32:29