Forgiveness – Luke 23:34
Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.
If anyone had reason to withhold forgiveness, it was Jesus. Although unjustly accused, despitefully used, and brutally tortured, He endured untold agonies at the hands of dignitaries, soldiers, and common people who had turned into brutal persecutors. Justified to cut down His abusers, He did not. Rather He forgave them, pleading with His last breath for His Father’s mercy on them.[1]
Tragically, believers too often ignore Christ’s example, choosing hatred and anger rather than forgiveness. We allow hostility toward others to pollute our hearts and ruin our relationships. By refusing to forgive, we give Satan a foothold, which will become a stranglehold if allowed to take root and sprout. Day by day, the light within our souls will diminish, for this type of malignancy will not lay dormant. Rather it will grow denser and denser until only darkness remains.
Darkness has no place among God’s people, for no one who has known the love of Jesus Christ needs to live in the shadows. Jesus is the Light of the world, and He came to bring us into the light.[2] Therefore, just as Jesus shines His light on you, so you should stand in the light. If you have allowed anger and resentment to fester, consuming the light, lay down your chains, and escape your prison. Be free; be no longer encumbered with the weight of countless “unforgiven” ones strapped on your back. Understand that “it was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”[3] Forgive and cut loose those you have bound to yourself, break the hobbles cast out of your bitterness, and no longer allow anger to keep you from progressing in your journey along the road of sanctification.
Remember, the Lord is in absolute control of your life. He has not allowed anything to happen against you that He cannot and will not work for your good if you, having answered His call to enter into His family, love and honor Him.[4] The real question you need to ask yourself is, “Will I trust the Righteous Judge[5] with my wounded heart? Will I trust Him to deal righteously with those who have hurt me, just as He deals righteously with me though I have hurt others?”
Follow the example of our Lord,
and entrust your offenders to the Father.
Live in bondage no longer.
Forgive and rejoice, for Jesus has flung open the prison doors,
liberating from their captivity those who put their faith in Him.[6]
Lay down your shackles; break your chains
Cut lose the cords of bondage
Embrace the freedom Jesus brings
As your thoughts become His hostage
Shed every rope and encumbrance
Walk steadfast in Christ’s liberty
Shun the tyrant that plagues his slaves
Finally, set your captives free
Let forgiveness wash over you
Lay injustice at Jesus’ throne
In letting go, let Him release
The yoke that’s damaged you alone
And rise on wings as eagles fly
Beyond the reach of anger’s grasp
Soaring, dwelling in the Father’s love
Knowing freedom – at long last
[1] Luke 23:34
[2] John 8:12
[3] Galatians 5:1
[4] Romans 8:28
[5] 2 Timothy 4:8
[6] Isaiah 61:1