Freedom from Fear – Psalm 46:2
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea.
Fear cannot hold captive the heart of one who has seen the power of the Lord working on behalf of His beloved or known the comfort found in His loving arms. You may walk through deep valleys before you ascend to the pinnacle, but the Lord will always be with you.[1] You may suffer severe loss and endure heartbreaking hardship, but His grace will be sufficient for you.[2] You may lose your way and flee from His presence, but His hand will take hold of yours as He leads you back onto the pathway of light.[3]
Why should your heart tremble when you know your devoted heavenly Father is watching over you, commanding armies of angels to surround and guard you, lest you strike your foot against a stone?[4] He will not allow you to fall for He is your keeper who neither slumbers nor sleeps.[5] He will never leave you nor forsake you,[6] for He is your refuge and strength, your helper, and your protector.[7] He brings you into His banquet hall and sits you at His table under His banner of love.[8] He is your hope and your light, the watchman over your soul.[9] In His grace, He makes you safe and by His love, He keeps you secure.
Therefore, let fear be gone. Dire though your affairs may be, should the mountains around you fall into the sea, fear cannot capture your heart or occupy your mind when your eyes are set on the Lord. Rather than fear, you will have sustaining peace when you trust in Him and take shelter in the holy refuge He provides for you far above all disquietude.
Take joy in the security of your kinship with the splendid
and imperial King, who rules supreme over all creation. Live in expectation of the King’s blessings
and protection rather than in fear, for He, who loves you with an everlasting
love, adopted you into His family when you called upon Jesus Christ as your
Lord.[10] Therefore, child of
God, do not fear; rather sing in praise to the Lord, for He rides upon a cherub
and speeds upon the wings of the wind to the defense of His beloved.[11] When you call upon
Him, He will lift you out of troubled waters and deliver you from your enemies,
bringing you into a broad place of freedom and safety where fear cannot abide.[12]
There is a river whose streams make glad the city
The sacred dwelling place of the Lord, Most High
Fear cannot approach its gates
For He who watches, it dare not defy
We have a Father who calls us His beloved
He sent His Son to set us free
He covers us in robes of righteousness
And crowns us with love and purity
There is a light darkness cannot extinguish
There is a hope that sight cannot explain
We have a Helper present in every trouble
We have a future, which God Himself ordained
[1] Matthew 28:20
[2] 2 Corinthians 12:9
[3] Psalm 139:9-10
[4] Psalm 91:11-12
[5] Psalm 121:3-4
[6] Hebrews 13:5
[7] Psalm 54:4
[8] Song of Solomon 2:4
[9] Psalm 71:5, John 8:12, Psalm 121:5
[10] Jeremiah 31:3
[11] Psalm 18:10
[12] Psalm 18:16-19