Generosity – Proverbs 11:24
There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want.
Blessings flow from giving while deprivation follows hoarding. Thus speaks the heart of one who has known both the joy of dispersing and the emptiness of accumulating, and having compared the two, proclaims that joy is far superior to emptiness.
Admittedly, the paradox that giving ones’ possessions away is desirable, resulting in more, not less, is a mystery, one we take by faith as we walk in the light of Jesus. However, while appearing to contradict logic, it proves itself true as our spiritual treasures mount and our cupboards never lack bread. For God’s principles are true and real, not the illusions and delusions of the kingdom of darkness. His Word teaches that as we give, God will open the floodgates of heaven to rain down blessings upon us.[1] Our sight might say, “I have such and such, and if I give some away, I will have less. Is this not the law of simple arithmetic?” Yes, two minus one, makes one, but God’s economy transcends mathematics, for He promises that the generous will prosper,[2] while those who hoard what they have will know the insatiable desire that comes with never having enough.
Once we understand that giving is a wise investment in our own prosperity, we can receive the joy gained by giving, rather than from receiving.[3] As we give away a portion of what the Lord has given to us, we will not end up with a diminished amount of true and lasting riches, for our storehouses will overflow, and these riches, undeniably eternal, possibly material, will satisfy our souls. Though our bank accounts may show smaller numbers, our generosity will not leave us poorer.
Cultivate a spirit of giving, making it superfluous for your pastor to instruct you on sowing in love with your material goods.[4] Heed the stir of the Spirit and open your wallet, giving lavishly, trusting unreservedly, as you minister to others in the Lord’s name.[5] Do not be afraid to give in response to the Holy Spirit’s leading, for the Lord will supply all your needs while returning a harvest of righteousness from your liberality in obedience to Him.[6]
Scatter widely, becoming rich in your relationship with God,[7] and your generosity will be a fragrant aroma, a well-pleasing and acceptable sacrifice to the Lord.[8]
[1] Proverbs 22:9
[2] Proverbs 11:25
[3] Acts 20:35
[4] 2 Corinthians 9:1-2
[5] Psalm 37:21
[6] 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
[7] Luke 12:21
[8] Philippians 4:18