Gentle Response – Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Anger flares and vitriolic words blast across the room, and we are their recipients. Our faces burn with the sting of the attack, and the pain is as real as if the blow were physical. Its cruelty and injustice assault our hearts and minds. Our adrenaline flows, and we instinctively want to cut down the offender in self-defense, to decimate with a sharp response, to return the unkindness against us with equal or greater ferocity.
Have you been there? Most of us have, only to learn that the bitter consequence of a counterattack is to intensify the other’s wrath. The ensuring battle disrupts our homes, workplaces, and churches, causing costly, possibly irreversible damage. The lingering anger disquiets our hearts and tarnishes our witness before an unbelieving world, which is desperate in its prevailing darkness for a beacon of love to illuminate the glory of our heavenly Father.[1]
Could we not try a better way? Rather than striking back in response to another’s harshness, could we not turn away from anger as those fortified by God’s grace? With gentleness, could we not touch our assaulter’s heart with the peace of Christ, thereby defusing anger?[2] Could we not exercise wisdom and resist the temptation to snap back with a cruel response?[3] Could we not take on the gentleness of Christ and speak words that soothe like gentle rain falling or like dew gathering on grass?[4]
Oh, that the Lord might grant us the graciousness to allow His Holy Spirit full reign over the words of our mouths and the attitudes of our minds. Greatly to be desired is a heart tendered by Jesus’ love, and exhilarating is the hope of attaining such a heart for those willing to press on toward deeper conformity to Christ’s image. Although absolute victory over anger and pride may remain but a prayer this side of heaven’s gates, our spirits can grow in gentleness day by day through Christ’s love working in us.
Therefore, pursue a deeper
fellowship with the Lord, and you will take on His affectionate nature. Allow Him to live within you, to guide you,
and His grace will abound to you. Cede
control over your lips to the Holy Spirit and marvel at the healing balm that
flows from them to dissipate anger and leave a sachet of peace in its place.
As the gentle rain falls and refreshes the meadow
As the morning dew waters the thirsty field
Make my words soothing, life-giving, valuable
Use them to calm an angry and troubled heart
Use them to bring peace where brokenness reigns
Use them to bring glory to Your Holy Name
And to further Your kingdom on this earth
Wrap them in grace and seal them with love
Make them as a fragrant bouquet offered in kindness
[1] Matthew 5:16
[2] Psalm 37:8
[3] Proverbs 29:11
[4] 2 Corinthians 10:1, Deuteronomy 32:2