Faith,  Trust

God Allowed It – Revelation 19:6b

Hallelujah!  For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.

Once while I was lamenting to a friend over a financial loss I had incurred due to a bizarre technical glitch, she responded gently, “I can’t explain what happened, but this I know:  God allowed it.”  As she spoke, the Spirit of Truth, who guides us in all truth,[1] witnessed to my spirit that her words were wise.  For nothing could happen to me except by the permission of our sovereign God,[2] and if God allowed it, I could rest in knowing He would work it for my ultimate benefit.[3]

The Lord has brought my friend’s response to my mind often when I find myself slipping into “if only” thinking, which is blatantly incompatible with trust in our omniscient and omnipotent God.  For nothing is outside the control of the One who directs the lightning and brings forth the wind,[4] and while not everything is good, our loving Father will use all things for good in the lives of His children who love Him and whom He has called to the holy purposes He ordained for them.[5]  When we arm ourselves with an awareness of God’s promise to take the variegated threads, which He allows to touch our lives, and weave them into a coat of many colors, a coat of honor reserved for people of proven character and high integrity, we will not waste our time with regrets.

Do unhappy scenarios replay in your mind as you wish thus and so had happened differently?  Do you find yourself thinking that if only this or that had not occurred, things would be better?  How much better to think of whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, excellent, and worthy of praise,[6] since negative thinking demonstrates a refusal to believe God’s Word.  Rather than dwelling on “could have been,” bring your thoughts captive to Jesus Christ.  Turn “what ifs” into praise and “I can’ts” into trust.  Remember, the One who measured the seas in His hand, marked off the heavens, calculated the dust of the earth, and weighed the mountains,[7] will do what He has said He will do, and as your loving Father, He delights in helping you. 

Our God, who by His nature cannot lie,[8] is reigning supreme over all things, whether they seem trivial or profound.  Therefore, rest in Him, allowing Him to work deep and wide within your soul, and your eyes will see His faithfulness bring good out of your deepest hardships and severest trials.[9] 

Always, I am with you always
I will forsake you never,
For always and forever,
I will be with you

No one can separate us
No wedge can come between us,
For always and forever,
I will stand with you

Nothing is beyond My reach
Nothing is too much to ask
For always and forever,
I will care for you

Every hair upon your head
Every whisper of your heart
Every need before you sense it,
I hold precious and apart

Each morning, noon, and evening
Today and each tomorrow
Always and forever,
I will continue loving you

Always and forever,
I will continue loving you

[1] John 16:13

[2] Job 1:12

[3] Proverbs 16:20

[4] Psalm 135:7

[5] Romans 8:28

[6] Philippians 4:8

[7] Isaiah 40:12

[8] Titus 1:2

[9] Genesis 50:20