God Gives – Matthew 7:11
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
Though our God is high and lifted up, and His glory fills the vast expanse,[1] He is ever mindful of us, giving to those who seek Him a greater portion of the riches of heaven with each day that passes into the next. Though He is the victorious and majestic head over all the heavens and the earth,[2] He faithfully blesses us, ensuring that the springs replenishing our souls never run dry. Though He is the regal King of the universe, before whom and after whom there is no other,[3] He never ceases to consider our welfare, counting not one of our needs too trivial for His attention.
Out of His infinite love for us, the Lord gives immeasurably more than we could ask or think. From the moment we embrace His Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord, He gives us salvation that we may live eternally with Him.[4] He gives us His Spirit to dwell within us and to help us grow in wisdom, knowledge, discernment, love, faith, kindness, and steadfastness. He gives us joy, peace, patience, goodness, and self-control, prospering us as we allow His Spirit to teach us how to emulate His Son. He gives us victory, working miracles and wonders among and through us in the requests we bring before Him in prayer and entrust to Him in faith.[5] He gives us comfort, and in turn, He gives us life-giving words to comfort others.[6]
He gives us everything we need to perform His work on this earth. For though we can do nothing by our own strength, producing no fruit, saving no one,[7] He brings forth an abundant yield of changed hearts and redeemed souls as we sow and reap in His name.[8] Lest we encounter temptation beyond our endurance and fall away from Him, He gives us weaponry and armor to protect us against the schemes of the devil.[9] To encourage and refresh us, He gives us a beautiful new morning each day, forgiving us as we ask Him to cleanse us, lifting us out the pit into which we too often fall.[10]
Our eyes cannot behold, nor can our minds comprehend the myriad ways the Father gives to His beloved. All the libraries in the world are inadequate to contain the records listing them, so we can but say, “Our God gives” and bow our knees in worship as we accept an unending stream of gifts from His hand.
With the breaking of the dawn
That brings a glorious new morning
To the setting of the sun
On hearts refreshed by grace
Throughout the day, into the night
In ways untold, beyond our grasp
Immeasurably, incalculably
Our God gives
From the fellowship with Christ
That brings eternal life
To the wisdom and the knowledge
Filling the seeker’s heart
Through the Spirit’s kindness
Through the Word’s delight
Miraculous and wonderful
Are the ways that our God gives
[1] Isaiah 6:1
[2] 1 Chronicles 29:11
[3] Isaiah 43:10
[4] John 3:14-15
[5] Galatians 3:5
[6] Isaiah 50:4
[7] Psalm 44:3
[8] 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
[9] Ephesians 6:11-17
[10] Job 33:28-30