Faith,  Grace

Godliness in Old Age – Proverbs 4:23

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.

What will you be like should you live to be very old and in failing health? 

As I consider this, I pray for grace as I grow old and my departure from this earth draws near, that I may be gentle and reverent in my behavior, able to teach what is good and to encourage younger women to live with honor before God. [1]  I want to conduct myself like the family matriarch I knew of who demonstrated exceeding kindness and exuded unwavering peace until the day she died.  Rather than fearing her imminent death as her body succumbed to illness and advanced age, she showed an unfailing faith in God and an absolute assurance that at the end of her journey she would stand face to face with Jesus Christ in Paradise.[2]  As her days on earth grew short, her loving farewell to the special younger women in her life was to give each a piece of her jewelry.  Though her silver, gold, and gems were gone, she died wearing the garland of grace and crown of beauty[3] that resulted from a lifetime of humble obedience and active adoration of the Lord.

We cannot live to serve ourselves and nurture our hidden sinfulness, while expecting a miraculous transformation of our hearts later in life.  Today, and each day, is the time when we must stand guard over our hearts, refusing fellowship with bitterness and self-centeredness, if we want kindness, love, and faithfulness to flow from us as our bodies fail and the end of our lives approaches. 

Lord, grant us pure hearts and steadfast spirits.  Cleanse us from everything that would keep us from honoring and serving You in sincerity and truth,[4] and let Your love flow through us as springs of life, giving grace to our speech and tenderness to our hands.  Take us through the purifying waters and fire that we might emerge holy and untainted, worthy to stand beside you.  Put us under your lens and cut away every bit of roughness, worthlessness, and ugliness.  Polish us into sparkling diamonds, that we might be able to reflect Your beauty and to serve Your cause throughout our lives. 

In the perfection of time, carry us to Your throne room where upon greeting us in all of Your radiance, You will introduce us to the saints of old, saying, “This is My beloved and this is My friend.”[5]

You are My beloved
And you are My friend
You are beautiful in my sight
Not just in physical beauty
Although you are beautiful

But your inner beauty is far greater

Though I have washed you in the tears of loss
And taken you through the crucible of instruction
I have lifted you high above
The ashes of your brokenness,
I hold your hand and stand beside you

I have placed a garland of roses around your neck
For, to Me, you are more beautiful than the loveliest rose
I have sprinkled you with the sweet perfume of holiness
And wrapped you in the garment of My love
I am well pleased that I made you these gifts
For you wear them with dignity and grace

I take delight in you
As you stand in My righteousness
I watch in joy as you draw those around you to Me
Because you reflect My glory

You are a light against the darkness
You have been faithful
I honor you, and I love you
You are My beloved, and you are My friend

[1] Titus 2:3-5

[2] 1 Corinthians 13:12, Luke 23:43

[3] Proverbs 4:9

[4] Psalm 51:10, Ezekiel 36:25

[5] Song of Solomon 5:16