Obedience,  Trust

God’s Direction – Luke 22:36

And He said to them, but now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one.

One Voice rings out above the wisdom of the wise. One Friend guides perfectly through valleys low and mountains steep, making no missteps, missing no cues. One Teacher speaks with absolute authority and irrefutable promise, “Follow Me, and I will use you for My Father’s kingdom.â€[1]

Rightly, we hold the saints of the ages and today in high esteem, and we praise God for their valuable interpretations of the Word and worthwhile prescriptions for Christian living and ministry.  We, who benefit from those who have gone before and beyond us, those who have dedicated themselves to learning and teaching, are grateful for the wisdom and knowledge they impart to us.

However, we cannot know Christ vicariously through our spiritual leaders, gleaning our spirituality from them, gaining the Lord’s direction for our lives solely through their teachings, nor can we merely copy that which has worked for us in the past. On one occasion, Jesus sent His disciples out empty-handed without purse or change of clothes[2] and on another, He told them to gird themselves with money belts and swords.  Just as they do for us today, His plans for His disciples fit the need of the moment, being no more redundant than the fingerprints of the billions of people living on the earth.

The Lord has a uniquely designed and perfectly orchestrated plan for each of us, a plan for us to achieve kingdom greatness. Therefore, we cannot rely on techniques; rather we must know the Master planner, personally learning how He wants to use us, individually applying His Word.  We must abide with Jesus, following where He leads. We must store Scripture in our hearts, and allow it to instruct us.[3]  We must fellowship with the Holy Spirit, making Him so close a trusted companion that we allow Him to speak through us when opportunities for kingdom business arise.[4]

Believer, listen to Jesus’ voice, stay close to your perfect Counselor, obey His instructions, and follow your omniscient Teacher. Let no other come between you and your Lord.  Depend on Him, and seek His direction through prayer and a study of His Word. Allow Him to show you how to serve in His kingdom, and one day you will look back in amazement at the works He performed through you, as you say, “Lord, I lacked nothing when you sent me out,[5] for your grace abounded to me.â€

[1] Matthew 4:19 (paraphrased)

[2] Matthew 10:5-10

[3] Psalm 119:35, 2 Timothy 3:16

[4] Matthew 10:19-20

[5] Luke 22:35