God’s Promises – Genesis 32:12a
For You said, ‘I will surely prosper you and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which is too great to be numbered.’
Jacob was in a scary place. Having long before taken advantage of his brother to gain his birthright and cheat him out of his father’s blessing,[1] Jacob’s day of reckoning with Esau had finally arrived. His company of servants, women, and children were no match for Esau’s troop of four hundred men that pressed down upon him.[2]
He had betrayed his brother, and in his present danger, he was acutely aware of his unworthiness to receive the manifold blessings the Lord had granted him, for having gone out to escape Esau’s fury with only a staff, he returned to his father’s territory with two wives, eleven children, and untold servants and livestock. Thus living with the manifestation of God’s grace, he placed his hope and found his strength in the miraculous intervention of the Lord.[3] As he prayed in desperation for deliverance, he recalled the Lord’s promise to prosper him and he gained courage to face the impending danger. He implored the Lord to uphold his cause, and the Lord, ever faithful to His promises, melted Esau’s heart, not only preventing harm to Jacob, but also bringing reconciliation between these brothers.[4]
Do you see danger advancing toward you? Do your resources seem woefully inadequate to face it? Do not give in to fear, and do not go off in a frenzy of activity to right your situation. Rather, go in humility to your God, the God of your fathers, the God who loves you. Remember His promises, praying them back to Him, setting your hope in Him.[5] For no truer and purer words can we lift before our Father than His own words to us. He established His covenant with us, making us the beneficiaries of His mercy, and though He has no need of a reminder of His promises, we need to remind ourselves, calming our panicked hearts and organizing our racing minds, so we can receive His grace and follow Him as He leads us to victory.
Go before the Lord with
confidence, knowing that He preserves and prospers His beloved. Listen as He affirms His faithfulness to
you. Follow His prudent instructions to
face the matter at hand. Go forth to
meet the peril under the protection of the mighty warrior King with your head
held high, and observe as your faith becomes sight and your hopes become
realities, for the Lord will do all that He said He would do on your behalf.[6]
[1] Genesis 25:29-34, 27:18-29
[2] Genesis 32:6
[3] 1 Samuel 30:6
[4] Genesis 33:4
[5] Psalm 119:49
[6] Genesis 32:9-12, 33:4