God’s Word – Proverbs 6:22
When you walk about, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you.
Blessed are they who delight in the living and enduring Word of God,[1] for it nourishes their souls and encourages their hearts, providing that which is satisfying and everlasting. It is the pure milk upon which their spiritual bodies grow[2] and the sustenance of life that causes them to thrive.[3]
So are we blessed when we faithfully meditate on the Holy Scripture and allow its truth to purify us and teach us about its author, Jesus Christ.[4] For the Word is the power of God in those who know Christ as Lord,[5] and as we absorb its wisdom and obey its instruction, applying it to our actions, thoughts, and the intentions of our heart, it transforms us into people of God, holy, honorable, trustworthy, and rich in loving-kindness. Just as our salvation through Christ laid the precious cornerstone of our spiritual house,[6] our daily time in the Word builds proven character, perseverance, faithfulness, and understanding upon that foundation, making the walls surrounding us impenetrable by our enemies.
Inspired by God, immutable and infallible, the Word instructs us in the truth, rebukes us when we go astray, corrects us when we err, trains us in righteousness, and equips us to perform the good works the Father has preordained for us.[7]Â Oh, what a wonderful teacher, friend, and confidante it is to us!
Therefore, be attentive to the Word of God. Spend time in it day and night. Read it, study it, listen to it, memorize it, and bathe your mind, heart, and soul in it. Consider it in all your ways, heeding its instruction and loving its beauty. Allow it to change the way you think and to redirect the pursuits to which you lend your strength. Trust it to lead you in the paths of righteousness. Build your life upon it, and you will be like a tree that lives and thrives in the riverbed, a tree planted in rich soil, well watered and nourished, a tree strong enough to survive the severest weather, so in its season, it yields luscious fruit.[8]
[1] Psalm 1:2
[2] 1 Peter 2:2
[3] Matthew 4:4
[4] 1 Peter 1:22
[5] 1 Corinthians 1:18
[6] Mark 12:10
[7] 2 Timothy 3:16-17
[8] Ezekiel 17:8