Humility,  Obedience,  Purpose,  Serving

Good Intentions – James 1:5

But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

Jesus calls us to lofty places, places of glory, places where miracles abound and joy resounds.  He calls us to a place of delight as we minister in His name by carrying the Word of life to a lost soul, consoling the broken-hearted, or helping the weak and infirm.  He calls us to a place of privilege as we fellowship with Him, study His Word, and allow Him to transform us ever more closely into His image.  He calls us to a place of holiness as we obey Him and perform His Father’s perfect will.[1] 

What will we answer?  Will we ponder the good works we might like to do, assuaging our guilt with beneficent thoughts of service?  Will we hear and receive God’s Word with joy but neglect to participate in it, refusing to allow it to guide our hearts in loving and passionate service for God’s glory?[2]  Will we raise our voices in praise, only to turn and walk away unchanged when the excitement passes?[3]  By God’s grace, may our resolute response be, “No,” and may we live out our good intentions, performing holy works with joy. 

Envision our Lord kneeling before His disciples and washing their feet.  Hear as He promises that His Father will bless those who likewise serve the people around them.[4]  Observe His humility, kindness, and generosity as He stooped down in ministry to others, and see how it raised Him higher than striving for position and recognition has ever raised another.  Follow His example, and exercise your good intentions rather than filling “Should Have Done” and “Would Have Done” files in your mind with them.  Refuse to give into the temptation to put off obedience to Christ for a more convenient time,[5] and submit to the Holy Spirit as He helps you fulfill the purpose for which God has commissioned you.[6] 

Do great things for the kingdom of God.  Listen to the voice of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and walk in the way He leads you.  Ask Him to count you worthy of the name “Christian” and to empower you to perform life-giving deeds.[7] 

Bring your good intentions before the Lord with a heart willing to follow His direction rather than simply listening, and He will transform your warm, self-satisfying thoughts into good works, making you a true minister of Christ to a world hungry for the life He brings.[8]

[1] Matthew 12:50

[2] Matthew 7:21

[3] Ezekiel 33:31

[4] John 13:15-17

[5] Mark 14:38

[6] Romans 7:18-19, 25

[7] 2 Thessalonians 1:11

[8] Luke 11:28