Gentleness,  Kindness,  Purpose,  Serving

Good Works – Ephesians 2:10

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

We are a chosen people, chosen by God to go into the world and bear fruit of eternal value, [1] but have we gone out?  The Lord instructs us against expending our energy to store up riches for ourselves here on earth.  Rather we are to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, [2] to lend expecting nothing in return, [3] but are we faithfully serving and giving in His name?   

As I mediate on Ephesians 2:10, my mind lingers on the words “created in Christ Jesus for good works.”  As one made alive together with Christ because of the Father’s rich mercy and great love,[4] these words pierce my heart for I long to be where He desires me to be, doing what He desires me to do.  I pray that I will be faithful to watch and listen for direction, seeking to know the work of faith and labor of love the Lord has designed for me.[5]  I pray for a steadfast spirit and a willing heart,[6] so I will truly be a disciple of Christ, laying down my life for Him, drawing my strength from Him, planting myself in the hope of His kindness toward me, following Him into the fields, be they ripe for harvest or long fallow.

Do you know the good works for which the Lord created you in Christ Jesus?  Are you committed to performing them, so you might bear imperishable fruit in Jesus’ name?  If so, praise God, as He blesses your labor as you continue to serve the Lord in faith.  If not, pick up your work orders.  Seek the Lord’s guidance through the living Word and prayer, being careful to walk straight ahead, not turning to the right or left, so you will understand how to spend your time in the way the Father has ordained for you. 

Serve the Lord with your heart, mind, soul, and hands.  Bring your days before Him eagerly seeking to perform the works of glory for which He has prepared you.  Trust that He has equipped you for His ministry of love, and perform all that He sends you to do with a servant’s heart.  Allow the light of Jesus to shine through you, as His light shines in the perfection of beauty.[7]  Walk in a manner befitting a member of the royal family, and you will glorify your Father through the kingdom works you carry out in His name.[8]

[1] John 15:16

[2] 1 Timothy 6:18-19

[3] Luke 6:35

[4] Ephesians 2:4-6

[5] 1 Thessalonians 1:3

[6] Psalm 51:10-12

[7] Psalm 50:2

[8] Matthew 5:16