Gratitude – Luke 17:17
Then Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine– where are they?”
Only one in ten, who having miraculously received the riches of God’s grace, turned back to give the Lord glory and honor while the other nine accepted His healing and continued on their way without a thought of gratitude?[1] The nine were entrenched in the lusts of the flesh and did not have the love of the Father within them, while the one, understanding that majesty Himself had touched him, lifted his eyes above the world to seek His healer and to glorify God.[2]
Emulate the one. Do not be like Hezekiah, the king of Judah, who in the same way as the lepers, cried out to the Lord in his time of pressing need, but upon receiving a loving response from the Lord, did not acknowledge His kindness. Rather he brought the Lord’s wrath upon himself and his kingdom because of a proud, ungrateful heart that refused to honor and praise God for His abundant provision.[3] Do not follow the path of those who in denying God the glory due His holy name became foolish, having their hearts filled with darkness.[4] Rather, emulate the one.
We, who have received much, have much reason for gratefulness. Therefore, the love of God compels us to fall on our faces at the Lord’s feet and give Him thanks. Since the natural response to His loving-kindness is to sing out in joy and appreciation for His immeasurable blessings, our thankful hearts direct us to lift our voices in praise and to tell others of His goodness. Our joy compels us to worship the Lord, so our testimonies of His kindness will draw others to Him.
Emulate the one. Let praise and thanksgiving flow from your innermost being, and worship the One from whom all blessings flow. Cultivate an attitude of praise and gratitude, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will take notice that you are the one among the ten who gives glory to God. Listen as He tells you, “Rise, and go your way; your faith has made you well.”[5]
[1] Luke 17:12-19
[2] 1 John 2:15-17
[3] 2 Chronicles 32:24-25
[4] Romans 1:21-22
[5] Luke 17:19