Greed – Proverbs 30:15
The leech has two daughters, “Give,” “Give.” There are three things that will not be satisfied, four that will not say, “Enough”
As the leech cannot get its fill of its host’s blood even to the point of physically bursting, so is the heart once the wildfire of greed ignites. Therefore, children of God must diligently guard against greed in all its forms lest its fire catches hold in a flash, and they find themselves consumed by insatiable desire.[1]
From my own flirtation with collecting, I know firsthand how rapidly greed can capture a heart. Though I had previously never been a collector, some years ago, I found myself caught up in a craze of buying and hoarding some silly objects. While my family and I laugh about it now, this embarrassing interlude into obsession serves as a valuable lesson about how vulnerable we are to greed’s rampage when we allow ourselves to forage in its territories: possessions, wealth, power, praise, and fame. The damage to my witness as one whose mind should have been set on eternal things rather than abandoned to idolatry is far from funny.[2] For rather than being an imitator of Christ, I behaved like a covetous person who was oblivious to the ways of God.[3]
I have no excuse for my behavior, but through the blood of Christ, the living God has cleansed my conscience, so I may continue to serve Him.[4] By the Lord’s grace, though greed may return dressed as a huckster of alluring wares to entice me back into its horror chamber, I will stand firm against its temptation. As I put on the armor of God daily and keep the Sword of the Spirit polished and at the ready, I can resist its persuasion.[5]
As followers of Christ, we will never suffer a lack of life’s necessities,[6] for the Lord is faithful to provide for us, and He protects us from greed when we will allow Him to sit on the throne of our hearts. As we release our grip on the temporal to pursue righteousness, the Lord satisfies our longing[7] and quenches our thirst. When we resolve to follow Jesus, making Him our Lord and Shepherd, we will not hunger for that which we do not need, and greed will not be able to captivate our hearts.[8]
Blessed are we who delight in the Lord and praise Him for the abundance He gives,[9] for His provision is full and we shall never be in want for any good thing.[10]
Give, give, and then give me more
Can’t get enough to feel secure
Buying and hoarding I have tried
But nothing makes me satisfied
The greed that burned within my heart
Had a strange, unlikely start
At first I purchased just for fun
But then I wanted every one
And like a wildfire in dry grass
Desire burned to soon amass
Great numbers of these silly things
For stewardship had taken wings
But thankfully, the market crashed
And while I surely was abashed
I also knew that I’d been saved
And released from what I’d craved
I couldn’t offer an excuse
Or give a case that would induce
The Lord to find me innocent
My contrite heart could but repent
For I had let my armor down
I took advice that wasn’t sound
Allowing greed to take control
My witness paid a heavy toll
As Jesus washed my sins away
He offered me a brand new day
“Be prepared next time greed calls
For it’s the reckless one who falls
“So wrap yourself in Truth and Light
And you’ll be ready for the fight
And hunger for the things of Christ
Take heed and follow His advice
“Then they who tempt will gain no ground
And you, His child, will wear a crown
Of beauty, wisdom, loveliness
And don a cloak of graciousness”
[1] Luke 12:15
[2] Colossians 3:2-5
[3] Ephesians 5:1-5
[4] Hebrews 9:14
[5] Ephesians 6:11
[6] Psalm 37:25
[7] Matthew 5:6
[8] Psalm 23:1
[9] Isaiah 55:2
[10] Psalm 34:10