Harmony – Ephesians 2:14
For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall
Our Lord brings all people who love Him together as one body, and where Christ reigns in the hearts of His people, they will live in harmony.
Whenever anger separates brothers and sisters in the Lord, we can have no doubt about the need for repentance, forgiveness, and greater love, for a breach among the people of God ought not to be. We are of the same household, built upon the same foundation with Jesus Christ as our cornerstone.[1] Therefore, since God has made us in His own image, we cannot bless Him and at the same time harbor bitterness against our fellow pilgrims, any more than the same spout on a fountain can pour out both bitter and pure water.[2] If there are factions and dissentions among us, we have opened ourselves to the enemy, having given a foothold to disharmony and hard-heartedness, which are incompatible with the Lord’s unity and tenderness.
Rather than demonstrating the character traits of the enemy, we should be pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, merciful, and fruitful,[3] loving each other and living in harmony as we allow God’s Spirit to unite us.[4] As sons and daughters of the Majestic Ruler of all creation,[5] the Lord has divinely endowed with the ability to love just as Christ has loved us. We can live in peace, for the Prince of Peace[6] has given us kind, understanding, and tender hearts, and He is willing and able to bring reconciliation in our disputes.
What is so difficult that we cannot resolve if we will lay down our bitterness and pride and let the Spirit of God wash over us, dissipate our anger, and pour His love into us? What can we not forgive others when we consider how much God has forgiven us? Nothing, for nothing will keep us from a perfect bond of unity when we are willing to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our faith assures us that as we allow the Lord, our Peace, to break down the dividing walls, He will heal the brokenness among our members and restore the harmony of true fellowship, for His pure love conquers all.
Oh, that we, the people of God, would live in uninterrupted and unclouded harmony, loving each other as Christ loves us, allowing Christ to guide us as we pray for peace and devotion to reign within our midst. Oh, that we, His church, would bring Him glory and demonstrate His loving-kindness to all who witness the love we have for one another.[7]
Harmony, sweet harmony,
Christ’s joy pervades this place
Tenderness, compassion
All grievances erase
Yielded hearts, trusting souls
Refuse to take offense
Are not provoked, take no account
For love is their defense
All bitterness and pride and rage
Lay crumbled neath the feet
Of He who reigns eternal
On heaven’s glory seat
Seeking ones stand watching
As light and truth unfold
They breathe the scent of roses
As their hungry hearts behold
A love so pure, so genuine
Refined in those who brought
All pettiness and conflict
To He whose love they sought
And harmony, sweet harmony
The beautiful reward
Of those with transformed characters
Those resting in the Lord
[1] Ephesians 2:19-20
[2] James 3:9-11
[3] James 3:17
[4] Philippians 2:2
[5] Ephesians 1:3
[6] Isaiah 9:6
[7] John 13:35