Harmony with God – Romans 8:14
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Visualize yourself gliding through your day so in tune to the leading of the Holy Spirit that you experience an undeniable anointing upon your activities, your prayers, your comings, and your goings. The harmony between the indwelling Spirit and your inner being is so profound that you abandon yourself to His lead as if you are performing a beautifully executed waltz. With the grace and serenity of a talented young woman perfectly synchronized with her dance partner, you take your cues from the Spirit as your heart swirls in delight and those observing watch in wonder. Such an exquisitely matched team is awesome indeed and their partnership is abundantly successful.
However, we too often take two steps with the Lord and then wrench the lead from Him, becoming as ungraceful and out of step as when a dancer ignores her dance partner to trample on his feet. Just as one refusing to follow her partner cannot dance with elegance, neither can we effectively serve the cause of Christ when we refuse to follow Him.[1] For the Lord is the One working within us to bring us to perfection, not we ourselves. He is molding us, training us, and equipping us, so we might perform a valuable ministry for His kingdom.[2] Only as we yield to the Holy Spirit, laying down our reserve, offering our lives for a ministry of love, allowing Him to direct our steps,[3] can we fulfill God’s holy and ordained purposes for our lives.[4] When left to ourselves, we rush headfirst into folly or languish in inertia, but the living God teaches us how to use our energy, skills, and resources for eternal profit.[5]
Follow the lead of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who Himself was filled with the Holy Spirit and walked in perfect unity with His Father during His ministry on earth.[6] Let the Spirit of God enfold you as you dwell with Him. Listen for, and respond to His gentle cues, allowing Him to control you and keep you on the straight and narrow path that results in holiness, and having taken on holiness, you will live in harmony with the Lord, responding to His lead, serving in His name.[7]
The Waltz
A gentle tap, a whispered word
“Will you dance with Me?”
Will you follow as I lead
To life, abundant, free
“Will you listen as I share
The plans I have ordained
And walk in them, blossoming
Your yielded heart unchained
“Will you sow and reap this day
And travel on the path
That leads to kingdom victory
As you serve on My behalf.”
[1] John 12:26
[2] Philippians 2:13
[3] Psalm 143:10
[4] Romans 8:4
[5] Isaiah 48:17
[6] Luke 4:1
[7] Psalm 24:3-5