Heaven – Revelations 21:1
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
Heaven awaits those who walk with God.
Soar in the promises of Revelation 21 to glimpse the heavenly heights above the earthly, mundane, and troubling, to imagine the place where the children of God will live eternally with the Risen Lamb. Within its territory, we shall never again know reproach. We will never shed another tear, not one. The Lord will banish pain forever, and He will swallow up death for all time.[1] Wars will cease, and young men will never again suffer agonies in foreign lands.[2]
In heaven, our faith will become sight, for we will see God face to face.[3] We will know in full, as our Lord has fully known us. God will dwell among us in radiance. Brilliant light will shine upon us, for His majesty illuminates this holy place, with the brightness of His glory negating the need for the sun or moon. Having been adopted into His family through our faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we will receive our full inheritance as God’s children.[4] We will hunger and thirst no longer, nor will the burning noonday sun beat down upon us, for the Lamb, our Shepherd, will guide us to the cool and refreshing springs of life.[5]
The city itself is pure gold, like clear glass, and its foundation is adorned with jasper, sapphires, emeralds, and other precious stones; its gates are made of pearl.[6] God, the Almighty, and Jesus, the Lamb, are its temple. The river, whose streams make the city glad, runs through it.[7] Its gates never close, for no unclean being dwells within its territory, nor shall any person who practices evil enter it. The Lord reserves this place of everlasting safety and joy for those whose names He has written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.[8]
Live in joy, for heaven awaits you at your journey’s end. Fix your heart on God’s promises for a blessed eternity with Him. Cease from striving and know that your God is on His throne, reigning supreme over heaven and earth.[9] Trust Him, for His Word is faithful and true,[10] and rest fully assured that He has gone ahead to prepare a splendor-filled place for you in heaven.[11]
No more sorrow, no more pain
Never to feel alone again
No burning emptiness and longing
No cruel feelings of not belonging
Heartache is banished, along with fear
No more loss of what’s most dear
No endless search to find a place
Never again a tear-stained face
No longer need of moon or sun
No more hurricanes, not one
Not one more black or cloudy day
No young men in battle array
By His promise, faithful and true
He’ll make heaven and earth anew
Where we’ll dwell with the great I Am
In the presence of the Holy Lamb
[1] Isaiah 25:8
[2] Psalm 46:9
[3] 2 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Corinthians 13:12
[4] Revelation 21:3, 7
[5] Revelation 7:16-17
[6] Revelation 21:18-21
[7] Psalm 46:4
[8] Revelation 21:25-27
[9] Psalm 46:10
[10] Revelation 21:5
[11] John 14:2