Hidden Sin – 2 Corinthians 4:2a
but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame.
As a sinner made holy by the grace of God, allow Him to complete His purifying work within you. Allow Him to deliver you from all ungodliness, so you may share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the wisdom He who is love Himself will impart to you. Be sanctified, so those yet sitting in darkness may see the light of Jesus shining through you, receive the word of truth you bring to them, and enter by grace into the fullness of salvation.[1]
Hold nothing back from the cleansing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit. Pray that Christ may dwell in you, and renounce anything hidden that would bring dishonor to the One whose name you bear. Heed the Word’s admonition to cast out the unholy and unclean, for rather than benefiting you, such things lead to deeper sin, bringing no good thing, only destruction.[2] Do not be deceived, for we cannot hide our sin and expect to accomplish great things for God. Know that even those serving in fulltime ministry will find their sacrifice unacceptable before the Lord if they hide their sin rather than confessing it and turning from it[3]
Seeker, journey on toward a holiness that tolerates no sin and that abandons thoughts and actions that cannot bear the scrutiny of a holy God, who knows the heart’s intentions.[4] Guard your heart, for nothing covered is beyond the Lord’s sight and nothing concealed is beyond His knowledge.[5] Conduct yourself as one understanding that the Lord, who abides no hypocrisy, brings into the light deeds done in darkness, exposing hidden sins.[6] By grace, gain a closer association with Jesus and a greater likeness to Him, so you may stand before God and the watching world with the clear conscience of one who bathes daily in the cleansing streams of living water. Build on the foundation of your faith, and keep yourself in the love of God,[7] so you will radiate the light of Christ that flows from unencumbered fellowship with Him.
Hide the Word, not sin, in your heart. Set yourself apart to glorify God and to walk
in integrity. Allow the Holy Spirit to
mold you into a minister of truth and the Truth will purify you, so you may
teach transgressors His ways and see sinners converted to Him.[8]
[1] Matthew 4:16
[2] Romans 6:21
[3] Proverbs 11:20
[4] Jeremiah 17:10
[5] Psalm 139:1-2
[6] Luke 12:3
[7] Jude 20-21
[8] Psalm 51:10-13