Highly Esteemed – Psalm 113:9
He makes the barren woman abide in the house as a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!
Though the world may proclaim us otherwise, we who walk with God are beautiful in His eyes.
Blessedly, our Lord does not reserve His esteem for those who have “gorgeous” bodies and “perfect” lives compared with the rest of us who are “marred” and “deficient” by our financial difficulties, blemishes, failing health, or broken relationships. He does not lessen His valuation of us because the world pities and distains our poverty, unsightliness, illness, singleness, obesity, brokenness, or depression, for no imperfection diminishes us in His sight.
As those beloved by God, we stand with unveiled faces reflecting the Lord’s glory.[1] For when we received Jesus’ righteousness, He proclaimed us complete and destined us for eternal joy alongside kings.[2] None dare step forward to reproach the bride of Christ. Indeed, we have blessed lives and enviable futures, for the Lord has set aside seats of honor for us in His holy place, and He holds our name in the highest esteem.[3]
Therefore, do not judge your merit on outward appearances or temporal success. Rather, rejoice, because the One who created the majesty of the Rockies and the grandeur of the Pacific, sees you as flawless, more magnificent than they. Delight in your relationship with the One who directs the rising and setting of the sun, and marvel that the One who said, “Let there be light,” and there was light,[4] regards you as His beloved.
Receive His protection with a grateful heart, and covet His friendship above the world and its trappings. Delight in the beautiful life He offers you.[5] Recognize who you are in Christ, and do not relinquish a moment of tranquility to thankless longing for what should, could, might, or someday may be. Rather, each day, sing in elation at the day the Lord has made, and accept it as His priceless gift to you.[6]
Know that God loves you with an
everlasting love and that He is using your challenges and disappointments to
draw you to Himself.[7] Accept no censure
from anyone or from your own heart, for the Lord is the Lifter of your head.[8] Rejoice in His loving-kindness,
which no power in heaven or earth can remove from you, and praise God for His
covenant of peace, which no enemy can shake.[9] Look at yourself
through your Admirer’s eyes, and delight in the honored place reserved for you
beside the King of all kings.[10]
[1] 2 Corinthians 3:18
[2] Job 36:7
[3] Isaiah 56:3-5
[4] Genesis 1:3
[5] Psalm 16:5-6
[6] Psalm 118:24
[7] Jeremiah 31:3
[8] Isaiah 54:4-6
[9] Isaiah 54:10
[10] Luke 22:29-30