Holy and Blameless – Ephesians 1:4
He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him.
Imagine – God is making us holy and blameless.
Remarkably, out of the abundance of His love for us, our Father has brought us into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus by a faith that He supplied. He chose us, and upon choosing us, according to the kind intention of His will, He adopted us into His family.[1] Through the excesses of His loving-kindness and mercy, when the sun sets in the west each night, we who have submitted to Christ’s lordship will have grown closer to His nature, becoming more like Him than we were just one day past, for the Lord is purifying us.
God lifted us above our lowly station, exalted us, and declared us royalty, and thus He began a renewal that goes deeper than clothing us in fine, regal robes and instructing us in the protocol of the kingdom. For He is renewing our hearts, tearing out every remnant of sin, so we, changed within and without, will be worthy to stand in His courts. By cleansing us, He has declared us innocent of all blame, for Jesus has washed away our impurities, forgiven our transgressions, and cast our sins beyond even His omniscient view. Through His wisdom, He is ministering to us, enlightening us, making us children of the Light as He perfects us in righteousness,[2] as He gives us a disposition like His.
In His exuberant riches of goodness, God is drawing us closer to His perfection, confirming and establishing us.[3] In Christ, He has lavished redemption and forgiveness on us according to the vastness of His grace,[4] and He is showing us unfathomable mercy.[5] Having chosen us to be His people, He is consecrating us and making us into holy vessels, usable for His kingdom.
Rejoice in your exalted position in Christ. As the lover of your soul, He has set you apart and brought you to high places. He is removing all of your blemishes, making you beautiful to behold. He has established your citizenship in heaven where you, transformed, made worthy through fellowship with Jesus, and crowned in His glory,[6] will dwell with Him.[7]
With your head lifted high, enter into the palace of the King, and He will receive you as His treasured son or daughter, seeing you holy and blameless, worthy to sit down with Him on His throne and to live with Him throughout eternity.[8]
[1] Ephesians 1:5
[2] John 1:9
[3] 1 Peter 5:10
[4] Ephesians 1:7-10
[5] 1 Timothy 1:13-14
[6] 2 Thessalonians 2:14
[7] Philippians 3:20
[8] Revelation 3:21