Holy Encouragers – Proverbs 25:11
Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.
Heaven sent, delivered in love, is the Lord’s encouragement to us. Each day as He awakens us, surrounding us with His grace, loving-kindness, and tenderheartedness,[1] He emboldens our hearts and rejuvenates our minds. The light of the new morning streams into our souls, giving us inspiration and hope to face the joys and trials that await us. Blessed indeed are we who know the constant encouragement of our faithful friend, Jesus Christ.
Being the beneficiaries of so deep an encouragement compels us to encourage others, and as we venture forth with joy-filled hearts to minister in Jesus’ name, we can trust Him to transform us into holy encouragers.[2] When we do not know what to say, He will put wise and life-giving words on our tongues that we might gladden the spirit of another.[3] As we pray to carry good cheer to a friend in pain, He will give us timely and appropriate words, so they may delight their recipient, sweetening the soul, and healing the bones.[4] As we seek to bring inspiration to the dispirited, we can depend on our Lord to make us affectionate and compassionate, so we may deliver soothing words of consolation.
Look out over your fields to see whom the Lord might be calling you to encourage, and do not overlook those whom you view as living on a lofty mountaintop with the Lord. Do not prejudge their need, for we all go through times of faintheartedness when our souls cry out for encouragement. Even Paul, the great apostle of Christ, who saw Jesus face to face in a vision and anticipated his death as gain so he might enter into the glory that awaited him, asked his friend, Philemon, to refresh his heart in Christ.[5]
Therefore, be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and extend yourself in kindness. Become a holy encourager, always seeking occasions to lift another’s spirits by extending Jesus’ love. Reach into the deep reservoir the Lord has filled with goodness and loving-kindness.[6] Liberally apply the curative ointment of an encouraging word spoken at the Spirit-inspired moment. Rejoice with the person you come beside, even as you delight in the privilege of ministering as if Jesus, Himself, were before you and you were wiping His brow, pouring oil onto His stripes, putting a cup to His parched lips.[7]
Heaven sent, wrapped in love
Joy descending from above
Lifting from a lonely place
By the arms of saving grace
Kindness covering the heart
That hopelessness had set apart
From the Comforter and Friend
From a love that knows no end
How beautiful the morning shined
Upon the one who had repined
How lovely is the faith restored
In the heart that long endured
Sorrow, sadness, suffering
Until one day, love would bring
Apples of gold with silver leaves
Which the hungry soul receives
Encouragement, carried in
By the heart of Christ within
One whom the Lord has given much
Who’s felt the warmth of Jesus’ touch
[1] Isaiah 50:4
[2] Hebrews 3:13
[3] Proverbs 12:25
[4] Proverbs 15:23, 16:24
[5] Philemon 1:20
[6] Psalm 23:5-6
[7] Proverbs 19:17, Mark 9:41