Discipline,  Integrity,  Obedience

Honesty – Micah 6:11

Can I justify wicked scales and a bag of deceptive weights?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Need money?  Sneak into the purses you will find left unattended at church and help yourself.

Absurd! Unconscionable! I agree.  Few Christians would think of stealing money from someone’s purse or of shoplifting, but what about performing unneeded services; padding an invoice; cheating on income taxes; accepting or making payment off the books to avoid payroll taxes; overstating expense reports or hours on the job; or working while collecting unemployment benefits?  What about theft by omission such as failing to point out when you have been undercharged or to inform a clerk who has given you too much change?  Are these acts any less egregious than stealing cash?  While the father of deception and lies whispers in our ear that these are small transgressions, barely worth the mention, the Spirit of Truth within us testifies that they are sinful and despicable in God’s sight.

Our heavenly Father has commanded, “You shall not steal.”[1]  He has warned us that stealing is an abomination to Him, the Lord our God,[2] for He hates robbery and injustice.[3]  While that attained by stealing may seem valuable, it is not.  In the end, stolen treasures will slip away and expose those who illegally gained them as being foolish[4] for thinking they could mock God and disobey His holy commandments without consequences. 

As children of the Light, we are called to honor the Lord by having perfect and just scales, that is, to take nothing that does not rightfully belong to us and to pay people and institutions their rightful due.[5]  The indwelling Holy Spirit teaches us to do what is right, to cling to godliness by avoiding even the smallest theft.  We, thereby, glorify God by exemplifying purity and honor while allowing integrity to soften our countenance and to brighten the light of Jesus shining through us.

Let those who steal, steal no more;[6] rather let them trust God to provide abundantly that they might live blessed lives.  Let them set their hope on our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus [7] and rest unencumbered by fear of want, for those who guard their integrity and walk with Jesus in the land of righteousness will never lack any good thing.[8] 

[1] Exodus 20:15

[2] Deuteronomy 25:13-16

[3] Isaiah 61:8

[4] Jeremiah 17:11

[5] Deuteronomy 25:15

[6] Ephesians 4:28

[7] Titus 2:10, 12-14

[8] Deuteronomy 8:9