
Honoring God – Haggai 1:5

Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider your ways!”

The prophet Haggai calls out to us, “Consider your ways!  Take a long, penetrating look at your life.  Are you sowing much but harvesting little?  Is your ministry flat?  Are your finances in shambles since money slips through your fingers?  Are you never satisfied with what you have?  If so, consider your ways!”[1]

The message continues, “Even though you are pouring your strength into striving for success, things are not going well with you.  Remove your blinders, and look at your life.  If you lack sustaining joy and unflappable peace, you have not given the Lord first place in your thoughts and deeds.  Your love for Christ has fallen short as you pursue riches and comfort.  You have not listened to His voice, and you have refused to obey Him.  Turn back to the Lord, and show Him the reverence He deserves as the Lord Most High.  Stop pursuing wealth and pleasure, and rebuild the temple in your heart, so the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit will be apparent to you.  Tear down the idols you have erected in the place you should have dedicated to the Lord, so your life may glorify Him.”  Study the excellent counsel written in the Word of God, so you, having had individual tutoring in the truth, will have the spiritual insight to follow it in the righteous way.  For only in devoting yourself to the Lord without holding anything back will you achieve the fulfillment you desire.”[2]

This message should pierce our souls and awaken our hearts from our lukewarm devotion to Christ.  It should drive us to examine our lives[3] and to lift up our hands to heaven, confessing that we have sought satisfaction from empty, worthless pursuits while neglecting the imperishable things of God.[4]

Consider your ways, and if you find yourself lacking in fidelity to the Lord and in dedication to godliness, determine to start this day to develop a deeper, purer commitment to Him.  Bow in prayer, seeking His forgiveness for the tepidness of your desire for Him.  Ask Him to ignite a passion for holiness within you.  Give the Lord your undivided love, and seek Him, putting all else below your zeal for Him.

Love the Lord and serve Him with all your heart, and soul, and mind, and you will please Him.[5]

[1] Haggai 1:2-10 (paraphrased)

[2] Ibid.(paraphrased), Proverbs 22:20-21 (paraphrased)

[3] 2 Corinthians 13:5

[4] Lamentations 3:40-42

[5] Romans 12:1