Obedience,  Truth

Hypocrisy – Romans 2:21

You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself?  You who preach that one shall not steal, do you steal?

At the gates of heaven, no hypocrites need seek entry.

The Lord considers those who make a mere pretense of being followers of Christ while practicing immorality, covetousness, or idolatry unfit to associate with His children, who demonstrate their family ties by serving and honoring Christ.[1] For those who call themselves Christians while living in the same manner as the unrighteous, separate themselves from the living God.[2] Though they profess to know Him, they deny Him with their deeds, acting detestably and disobediently, having, by their unfaithfulness, made themselves worthless for kingdom works.[3] They must think God is a fool, but they are actually fooling themselves, for their tithes, meticulously paid to the penny, will never cover their unholy deeds.[4] Though clean on the outside, those who are corrupt and self-indulgent on the inside will find out that they cannot deceive God by their insincere prayer and public fasting since He deems these sacrifices unacceptable when made by those with hardened hearts.

Rather than false piety, faithfulness marks those who resolve to steadfastly live according to the spirit of liberty rather than merely making a pretense of keeping the law. A commitment to righteousness is well pleasing to the Lord. He draws near to those who seek Him and take joy in His ways, those who live out the teachings of Christ, those having generous and compassionate spirits.[5]  He exalts those who humble themselves before Him, those desiring to serve others in need and determining to remain undefiled by the world.[6]

The Lord delights in steadfast souls who draw near to Him with sincere hearts, not merely with their lips. He welcomes into His fellowship those who allow His light to shine through them and give His truth full reign over their days. He is well pleased when they walk in integrity, demonstrating their love for Him by kind deeds done quietly, not before the world, so others might see and congratulate them on their good works.[7]

As one made righteous by the Lord, Jesus Christ, avoid hypocrisy, even the mere semblance of it.  Rather, walk in truth, and the Truth will perform a glorious work within you. Christ’s love will permeate you, and in the proper time, you will enter through the gates of heaven to dwell with your Lord for all eternity.[8]

[1] 1 Corinthians 5:11

[2] Isaiah 48:1-2

[3] Titus 1:16

[4] Matthew 23:23

[5] Isaiah 58:4-7

[6] Matthew 23:12, James 1:27

[7] 1 John 3:18

[8] Matthew 7:21